Love from a distance


‘Love knows no reason, no boundaries, no distance. It has a sole intention of bringing people together to a time called forever.’

– Anon – 

At the moment, someone very dear to me is ill in hospital back in the UK. Words can’t describe how sad I feel for them to be in pain, and for me to be 10,500 miles away in Sydney. What I wouldn’t give to be able to go and visit them right now. Take them some flowers, be able to tell them a joke to make them smile or just be able to sit next to them so they could feel my presence. 

Making the choice to move to Australia was one of the hardest decisions that I have ever had to make, because I was choosing what I wanted, and the lifestyle I wanted, over and above being physically close to my family and friends back in the UK. 

95% of the time it’s fine and we cope with the distance. Skype & Viber have become our faithful friends. However, in times like this, things become very tricky indeed. Because no longer can a jump on a train and be home in 2 hours. 

It is at times like this that I need to trust in my faith and my belief in something bigger than myself. When I need to trust that I can send my love and my thoughts across the sea and the land, and know that it will be felt on the other side of the world. I also have to trust that my intention for this person to heal and feel better is stronger than the distance between us at the moment. 

What’s especially tricky is that exactly this time last year we were together here in Sydney, careering around Manly Dam on our mountain bikes and having so much fun. Which in a way makes it even harder to know that right now they are suffering. 

This post is dedicated to anyone who is loving from a distance right now. Someone who can’t physically be with a loved one. Someone who is loving another who might be in pain or suffering. I feel you. And I send you and your loved ones love and light. 

May this blog post be infused with positive, loving, healing energies for all who read it. And may my love and positive intentions travel through the Internet to the UK and be received by the person in my life for whom it is intended. You know who you are. I love you with all my heart. Feel better and heal better soon.

Sending you all love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Image gratitude

4 thoughts on “Love from a distance

  1. Big love to your friend darling.

    Charlie has experienced a lot of the cross culture struggle over the years.

    Do you need to talk about your blog for SS website?


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