You are Love


‘Love is who you are, it is the essence of you’

– Lee Harris –

Recently I have started Dru Yoga, which I’m absolutely loving. For anyone who has never heard of it, it’s a super cool style of yoga that works with postures, breath work, relaxation and meditation.

It works with the chakras, in particular the heart chakra (which is especially good for me at the moment, as I have set a strong intention to live from my heart rather than my head). And it has 5 stages:

  1. Activation
  2. Energy Block Release
  3. Dru yoga asanas
  4. Relaxation
  5. Meditation

I’m completely and utterly in love with it and look forward to my class at Qi Yoga in Freshwater every Wed morning. Today, our teacher asked us to set an intention for the class starting with an ‘I Am’ statement. This statement needed to relate to something that we wanted to be feeling and bringing into our lives at the moment. Mine was ‘I Am Calm’.

It also then got me thinking about this wonderful video that I saw the other day on you tube, which had a similar sentiment. You are Love, or rather, if we are applying it to the ‘I Am’ statement, ‘I Am Love’.

It’s such a beautiful message I wanted to share it with all of your and spread the love.

And remember, love is who you are, it is the essence of you.

Sending you all love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

To learn more about the awesomeness in this post, visit

Dru Yoga Online – Enjoy a free 2 month trial!

Dru Yoga Australia

Lee Harris Energy

Image gratitude –

Stop being responsible


‘I want to stop being responsible in order to be happy.’

– Abraham Hicks, channelled by Esther Hicks –

When talking with a very good friend of mine yesterday about why some slightly tricky things are happening in my life related to people who I love, she gave me a very interesting piece of advice. That piece of advice was ‘Stop being responsible Kat’.

This was a curious observation and reflection for me and illuminated something that had clearly become a blind spot. And despite the fact that I wrote a blog post to this effect just a couple of days ago, I had obviously understood the concept intellectually, but the Universe was now giving me an opportunity to actually embody this and properly experience the advice I was giving, for myself.

Another beautiful friend of mine then sent me a link to an Abraham video about being positive after a relationship breakdown, which was very helpful, and the link that I clicked on after that was this fantastic teaching about the importance of stopping being responsible.

I’m not even going to say any more on the subject, because Abraham says it all.

Enjoy. 🙂

Love, hugs and light to you all,

Kat x x x

Love from a distance


‘Love knows no reason, no boundaries, no distance. It has a sole intention of bringing people together to a time called forever.’

– Anon – 

At the moment, someone very dear to me is ill in hospital back in the UK. Words can’t describe how sad I feel for them to be in pain, and for me to be 10,500 miles away in Sydney. What I wouldn’t give to be able to go and visit them right now. Take them some flowers, be able to tell them a joke to make them smile or just be able to sit next to them so they could feel my presence. 

Making the choice to move to Australia was one of the hardest decisions that I have ever had to make, because I was choosing what I wanted, and the lifestyle I wanted, over and above being physically close to my family and friends back in the UK. 

95% of the time it’s fine and we cope with the distance. Skype & Viber have become our faithful friends. However, in times like this, things become very tricky indeed. Because no longer can a jump on a train and be home in 2 hours. 

It is at times like this that I need to trust in my faith and my belief in something bigger than myself. When I need to trust that I can send my love and my thoughts across the sea and the land, and know that it will be felt on the other side of the world. I also have to trust that my intention for this person to heal and feel better is stronger than the distance between us at the moment. 

What’s especially tricky is that exactly this time last year we were together here in Sydney, careering around Manly Dam on our mountain bikes and having so much fun. Which in a way makes it even harder to know that right now they are suffering. 

This post is dedicated to anyone who is loving from a distance right now. Someone who can’t physically be with a loved one. Someone who is loving another who might be in pain or suffering. I feel you. And I send you and your loved ones love and light. 

May this blog post be infused with positive, loving, healing energies for all who read it. And may my love and positive intentions travel through the Internet to the UK and be received by the person in my life for whom it is intended. You know who you are. I love you with all my heart. Feel better and heal better soon.

Sending you all love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Image gratitude

Let people do things in their own time


‘In your own time
There’s no map to guide our way
So I say nothing, you say nothing
In your own way
Thought I could help you find your place
But I’m as lost as you are lost’

– In Your Own Time, Keane –

I’m an eternal optimist. Always have been, always will be. I have always seen the best in people, and always see their highest potential from the get go. I always see their light. The tricky thing is, they don’t always see what I see . . . .

There’s one very special person in my life who I have known from a very young age would be an incredibly successful author. She has always had an incredible gift for writing and a fantastic imagination. I told her a long, long time ago that I saw this future for her, but it was just too overwhelming for her to get her beautiful head around, and she never believed me.  So I gave up encouraging her and trusted that if it was meant to be, it would happen.

I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t frustrated or even a little sad that she wasn’t living up to her potential and using the gifts that she had been given, but this is something I have had to come to terms with in my life.

The good news is, she has started writing, and a book is on its way. It might be ten years after I realised that this was her destiny, but better late than never right?

We can have the best intentions for people in our lives. We can see their gold and the light that is shining right inside of them, but we can’t reach in and turn it up for them. They have to do that for themselves. And we must accept that. We must also accept that we can’t rush them, we can’t push them, we can’t force them, nor can we cajole them. And even more importantly, we must also accept that they may never live up to their potential. Which is probably the hardest one of all for me.

There is another very special person in my life, and I know that they are on this planet to do the most spectacular things. They are wise, creative and gifted beyond comprehension, but they just aren’t ready to embrace their gifts and talents, and perhaps never will. And they may never embrace the spiritual world that is here to help them cultivate their gifts and co-create with them.

I think it is one of the hardest things in life for me to meet people whom I know aren’t living their truth. People who aren’t following their life path or their purpose. People who aren’t using the incredible gifts and talents that they have been given. It makes me sad and frustrated. However, I’m learning more and more every day to let this go, and allow people to find these things out for themselves in their own time, or perhaps not at all.

I also hope and wish that one day I will find a beautiful partner who is aware of what they’re here to do, their gifts and talents and are living on purpose and walking their life path with hope, love, peace and joy. That would make me very happy indeed.

I’m also so incredibly happy and grateful that Numerology came into my life, because it is the most wonderful way to learn all of these things about you. Your Numerology chart is pretty much your cheat sheet for life. A Blueprint for everything that is awesome about you, your gifts, talents, your life path, what makes your heart sing, what your personality is, what your ultimate life purpose is and what themes lie ahead for you.

And for all the people I meet who aren’t living their truth, I take comfort and joy and excitement in the people who come to me for a reading, because these are the people who are ready. These are the people who are ready to do what they came here to do.

My darlings, don’t be afraid to look inside for your light. Don’t be afraid to reach in and turn it up as brightly as you can. Don’t be afraid of how bright your own light can shine, because the brighter you shine, the more you will inspire others to do the same.

Write that book. Start that business. Paint that painting. Make that change. Do what you came here to do. Use the beautiful gifts that you were given.

Sending you love, hugs and light my beautiful friends,

Kat x x x


A 60 minute Numerology reading with me costs $250 and you will get your very own Numerology chart as a pdf to keep forever. I hold them in person in Manly or over Skype. Drop me an email at if you’d like one.

I will not let go


“Man is literally split in two: he has an awareness of his own splendid uniqueness in that he sticks out of nature with a towering majesty, and yet he goes back into the ground a few feet in order blindly and dumbly to rot and disappear forever” 
– Ernest Becker –

Just something to think on today.

A beautiful friend of mine shared this video with me via Facebook the other day and I knew it would make it into a blog post shortly afterwards.

It perfectly sums up how I’m feeling about the world today, and I have a feeling that it will resonate with whichever beautiful souls are reading this post today.

To hold on, or to let go. That is the question? Or in fact, screw there being only one answer to the question. Perhaps it’s both.

Sending you love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

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Embrace the light and the dark


“Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”

Brené Brown –

I’ve not written my blog for over a month now, and up until yesterday I didn’t know why.

I’m currently doing the most fantastic training course with a beautiful healer and personal development trainer called Robert Kirby and we did a process yesterday which required us to look objectively at who we think we are (the dark/shadow) and who we really are (the light).

What I realised is that because I have had some slightly dark times recently, I haven’t wanted to share them with my blog, for fear of exposing myself to be anything less than light. Thinking that I would be being inauthentic.

How wrong, could I have been?

However, in doing so, I have denied the dark, and therefore, actually denied the real truth.

We, as human beings, having a spiritual experience are both. The light and the dark. The ups and the downs. The yin and the yang. The masculine and the feminine. And when we deny one of the other, it is impossible to live a life in balance.

By acknowledging that both are present in us, we allow ourselves to be strong and vulnerable.

The other amazing thing, is that the intuitive horoscope for me (Scorpio) yesterday from the very wonderful Ghazeleh Lowe confirmed this for me too:

Scorpio: The Scorpion

‘You are dedicated today dear Scorpio and you’ll come to see the most divine feeling within you that enables you to awaken and this awakening is one of the most rarest gifts that life can offer. I feel that as your day meets more of your moments you’ll realise that you don’t need your head for the decisions you are about to make in your life. All I can say is that you are about to fly so damn high it’ll be impossible to have you fall ever again.’

I’m starting to have some really incredible realisations and understandings while doing Robert’s work, but the one that has been very strong for me over this 4 day course is just to embrace the light and the dark in ourselves.

I have spent so many wasted hours beating myself up for feeling a certain way, trying to run away from my shadow, wanting to delete it, eradicate it completely. But the truth of the matter is, we are both. And once you embrace both, especially the dark, it no longer has power over you. The important thing is not to dwell though. If you have a dark moment or a dark thought, better still to observe it, knowledge it, know that it is there, then embrace it and allow it to move through you.

I came across this wonderful video by Mr John Legend that fits this post perfectly today. Thank you Universe for bringing it to me. 🙂

Sending you love, light and hugs,

Kat x x x


My blog is back, I’ll be writing daily blog posts regularly from now on. Light and dark. The whole truth and nothing but the truth. 🙂

Choose the light


‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.’

– Martin Luther King Jr. –

On the 22/23rd July, the entire world experienced its third and final ‘SuperMoon‘ of this year, which is what you can see in my photo above. What always fascinates me about full moons, is the fact that the only reason we can see them fully, in the pitch black darkness of night, is because the sun’s light is shining upon it, to light it up. Without the sun and light, we would not be able to see the moon at all.

Last night Darren and I watched a great movie about witches (or castors as they are referred to in the film) called Beautiful Creatures. It’s about a castor (witch) who falls in love with a ‘mortal’ (human being without castor powers). Lena has had a curse laid on her, that means that when she turns 16 her fate will be decided for her and she will turn towards the light or the dark, without a choice. Many of the rest of her family, including her mother (played by the fantastic Emma Thompson) and her cousin have been forced to the dark side.

And in the months running up to her sweet 16th birthday Lena dedicates her time to reading up on how she can lift the curse.

The film is a fantastic metaphor for how the ego (dark side) and emotion can take over us sometimes, and eclipse the light. It also demonstrates that we are all capable of overcoming and transcending the dark side in order to allow our true nature to shine.

The light is our truth, the light is love, the light is loving kindness and compassion towards ourselves and others.

Of course we all have tricky days when the dark side appears. We all have times when we allow our emotions to get the better of us and cloud our judgement.

However, it is only when we choose the light and allow it to shine and illuminate us and all that surrounds us in life that we can live in truth and love. The dark cannot exist when you shine a light on it, and it is the same with our ego. It cannot exist when we follow our truth and live our lives from a place of love.

So, the thought for today is this, are you choosing the light in your life over the dark? And if not, could you start to shine your light a little more than you are at the moment? How would you need to change your thoughts, feelings and actions in order to bring more light to your life?

Sending you love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Inspiration for this post

The film – Beautiful Creatures

Lighten up


“Don’t take your thoughts too seriously.”

– Eckhart Tolle –

We’re all guilty (myself included) of taking life, ourselves and our thoughts a little too seriously sometimes, and that’s OK. We’re human after all.

However, every now and then we need to be reminded to lighten up. Let go. Be kind to ourselves. Laugh a little. See the funny side of life or look for the silver lining in a situation. Because life is meant to be joyful, and light and easy.

I watched this great video the other day of Eckhart Tolle explaining how we shouldn’t take our thoughts too seriously. Of course, it’s one thing to say we’re going to do that, and quite another to actually do it. So this video is a great little 10 minute piece of inspiration and advice about how to exactly set about doing it.

And if something is feeling like it’s too hard, or too difficult. Stop for a second. Take a deep breath. Count to ten. Ask yourself whether you need to be taking it so seriously? Ask yourself if there is something simple and easy that you can do to make the situation nicer? Maybe ask someone for help? Or just simply decide to see the lighter side of life. After all, in the greater scheme of things we’re all generally pretty lucky with where we are in life, and things could be a lot worse.

So, whenever you’re next in a tricky spot, in that very moment, you can decide to lighten up and I promise you that things will seem a lot different.

Take care of yourself, take care of the now. Lighten up my darlings.

Sending you lots of love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Inspiration for today’s post

Don’t take your thoughts too seriously – Eckhart Tolle – You Tube video