Dare to dream


“It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.”

– Paolo Coelho, The Alchemist –

I’m currently re-reading The Alchemist for the second time in my life. Reading books twice is not something that I have tended to do, however I have just re-read James Redfield’s The Celestine Prophecy and Antoine De Saint-Exupery’s The Little Prince. These are all books that I first read in my mid-twenties. And it seems that now I am reading them with fresh eyes, noticing things and meanings that were not apparent to me before.

And so, the inspiration for today’s blog post is about the importance of dreams.

At the beginning of the year, I had a dream to write and publish a book this year.

For me, it was a pretty wild dream. Exciting, but a little scary at the same time.

What if no one wanted to read it? What if no one cared what I had to say? What if people didn’t like my writing style? What if I couldn’t find enough words to fill enough pages to make a book? What if I ran out of ideas? What if it just wasn’t good enough?

I could go on . . .

However, it was the dream, the idea, the desire to write a book, that spurred me on. It’s something I have never done. Most people talk all their lives about writing a book, but never actually do.

So I found a course that would help me to write a book. And I started the course back in March. And I started writing the book. Then I stopped. It didn’t feel right. So I started writing another book. The beginning of that book didn’t feel right either, so I changed direction. Now I am 12,500 words into my second book and I haven’t written anything for weeks. Why? Because I haven’t felt to. Why? Because I couldn’t remember why I was writing the book.

Was I writing it for the prestige? No. Was I writing it to benefit me in business? No. Was I writing it because I wanted to write a book? Maybe. I couldn’t work out why I was writing the book, and so therefore, if I wasn’t clear on the purpose of writing it, why the heck should I write it?

And then I watched the beginning of a talk that David Icke gave at Wembley Arena a few years ago entitled ‘Remember Who You Are‘. Now, it might be a little confronting to some people, but in essence he has a powerful message about the importance of taking back your power and deciding to raise your consciousness. This comes in the form of making better decisions about how you live your life, interact with the reality we have created and what we put in our bodies and our minds.

And I felt a very strong urge to start writing my book again. I was reminded that I wanted to write my book, for no other reason than to spread the good word and message about the importance of being conscious. And quite specifically, being conscious in how we set up and run our businesses and create brands.

I remembered that the entire reason I have set up my business is to inspire and educate people about the importance of being clear on your WHY and the importance of living a conscious life, and (if you run one) having a conscious business. And my book aims to shine a light on all of the wonderful beings on the planet who are doing just that, to act as beacons of inspiration for others. To show them that there is another way of doing things and being.

And I was also reminded that writing a book has nothing to do with what comes at the end, because really there is no end. You write a book, you publish it, you make it available for people to buy, you hold a launch party, you tell people that it exists, and that’s that. Then what? Write another? Wait for everyone to tell you how amazing you are for having written it? Make lots of money, because people think you’re more credible now that you have written a book on a subject? Then what? If you’re writing a book for any other reason than the fact that you would love to, then you’re writing it for the wrong reason.

For me, I have realised, it is about the message and it is about the journey. Which is what essentially every experience in our lives is about. It’s about ‘the possibility of the dream coming true that makes life interesting.’

It’s the possibility of writing and publishing a book that makes life interesting for me. Therefore, the only reason I should write a book is if I feel to do so. If it would bring me happiness and joy in the moment and in the process and the journey of writing a book. And I believe it would.

At the same time I would get to interact with some pretty amazing people, I would enjoy the very process of writing (which I do), the process of getting the cover designed, the book edited, the entire thing laid out and then printed. And that is the reason to write a book. For me. And if anyone else benefits in the process (which I hope they would), then awesome. And in essence, I am everyone, as I am an infinite being in the Universe, so we all get to enjoy the journey.

Now, that I am clear on my WHY, I feel inspired to finish my book. And furthermore, I hope I may have inspired others through the truth of this post who may be considering writing a book, or are struggling with writers block with a book they have already started.

Write a book for you. Write a book because you would love to. Write a book because you feel you have something to share. Write a book because you know you will enjoy the experience. Because the moment you make it about anything other than that, the meaning will be gone, as will the impetus to write it.

Hope this is helpful to you all my darlings.

Sending you lots of love and light,

Kat x x x

Read more of my blog posts on writing

View all of my posts on writing

Read Write 750 words a day (Part 1) 

Read Write 750 words a day (Part 2)

Read Do what you love (Part 2)

Awesome books to read

The Celestine Prophecy – James Redfield


The Little Prince – Antoine De Saint-Exupery


The Alchemist – Paolo Coelho


Image gratitude – http://pakhandipandit007.wordpress.com/ 

2 thoughts on “Dare to dream

  1. Good on you and which one us shall finish first? I wanted mine finished this year, but I have a sneaky feelings it’s going to be early next year…. Time is so flying past… but IAM 70% complete and then I have to find out how and where to publish etc… Barbara

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