Enjoy the Good Life


‘When you’re happy like a fool, let it take you over
When everything is out you gotta take it in
Oh, this has gotta be the good life’
– One Republic, Good Life

As I sit here typing an email to confirm the details for the bank account that my partner and I are opening for our new conscious clothing company, Katkin, I’m listening to Good Life by One Republic. And its a very simple message that I want to share with you today and that is about appreciating the good life.


Life is always going to throw us curve balls. People are sometimes going to act out of turn and blindside you. People might get sick. You may have disappointments or things that make you confused or sad. However, with every down there is an up. Without the sour we can’t enjoy the sweet. And this is the magical and varied tapestry of the thing we call life. And no matter what happens, essentially we are here to enjoy the ride and the journey.

So, whatever goes on in your life. Feel it, experience it, observe it, and ultimately aim to enjoy it and make the most of it, because this is the opportunity that we have in every moment that we are alive in these beautiful bodies living upon this exquisite planet.

So, this blog post is dedicated to enjoying the good life. And whenever life is giving you lemons, you always have the opportunity to turn them into lemonade. It just takes a little sugar and water. šŸ™‚

Sending you lots of love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Image gratitude –Ā http://miriamskalli.de/Enjoy-the-good-life

For moreĀ inspirationĀ read my other blog posts

Enjoy the Ride

Enjoy the Ride (Part 2)