Your intuition is everything – follow the feeling


“Your intuition is the voice of the present moment. It lives in the present moment. It doesn’t live in the past, it doesn’t live in the future.”

– Amir Zoghi –

I’m a big fan of Amir Zoghi. I first went to his Intuitive Warrior event in Sydney around this time last year and I finished 2012 off with his WTF (Wisdom, Truth, Freedom) event, which completely and utterly blew my mind.

I have followed his fantastic Truth Blog and webisodes this year and I have also sampled his online OMG programme. I’m going to attend his Intuitive Warrior event again next week in Sydney, because every time I hear him speak about intuition and the importance of following the feeling in the present moment, it further cements the knowing that I know is already there and allows it to become stronger and more powerful than the voice in my head, the ego, that which wishes to control things, that which gets stuck in the past or the future, that which struggles to trust in the Universe.

I have just come across a fantastic talk that he gave on Intuition on the Soul Sessions website. You can view it below or go directly to the Soul Sessions website and register, which I can highly recommend doing so, because you will get access to a plethora of wonderful talks and conversations with some of the most brilliant minds around the world from the spiritual and philosophical space (Deepak, Wayne Dyer, Joe Dispenza and so on).

Despite the fact that the talk is entitled ‘Secret Mens Business’ it is a talk on the power of intuition and the importance of following the feeling, which is essentially what Amir represents.

Here are some of the key take outs from his talk and what they mean to me in my life.

Purpose is in who we are being.

Amir states that ‘purpose is not found in what you do, it’s found in who you are.‘ This is an interesting one, because throughout my entire life I had always thought that it was related to what you do. Since I have started to follow my intuition more and spend time doing the things that I love, it is not the act of ‘doing’ those things that bring me joy and happiness in the present moment, it is in fact, who I am ‘being’ in that moment that raises my vibrations, brings me into the flow and has me feel a sense of complete and utter peacefulness in the now. Much like I’m feeling right now, as I write this blog post to you.

Intuition has zero logic.

Amir also talks about how ‘your intuition expresses itself through a feeling of knowing.’ This is interesting to me, because the more I connect with my inner knowing, my inner ‘tuition’, rather than trying to understand things logically, the freer I feel. The more I trust that I am the Universe, and that I know all I ever need to know, it frees me up to listen to my intuition and trust that it will guide me in the direction to go in, in every moment. Rather than feeling the need to control and understand everything.

Your intuition is the voice of the present moment. It lives in the present moment. It doesn’t live in the past, it doesn’t live in the future.

And I know this to be true, because everything else is an illusion, created by the constructs of your mind, your ego, the voice in your head that you think is you, but is in actual fact, not your truth at all.

In Amir’s talk he talks about the importance of following your intuition and living in the now, because if you aren’t ‘how do you plan or script the present moment?’ And the answer is, you can’t. It is not possible. Therefore, all you have is the now. All you have is your intuition. All you have is your inner knowing. All you have is the feeling. All you have is the truth, which is the now. And so again it repeats.

When you’re following your intuition, things become effortless.

I know this to be true, because there have been so many times in my life when I have been over thinking something, I’ve followed what my head says rather than my heart and life has turned out to be more difficult than it needs to be. Equally, when I follow my intuition, things just seem to flow effortlessly. It’s not that everything is easy, but the action I take is freely and without effort. And more importantly, the Universe supports you when you are following your intuition and it will give you hints and tips when you aren’t.

Your act of following your intuition, creates flow.

In his talk, Amir gives an example of a rugby player who, at times, when he is on the playing field, rather than following ‘the plan’ for the team will follow his intuition through moments of inspiration and create opportunities for the team, that wouldn’t necessarily have been there if he had been following ‘the plan’. No logic can be applied to this, because he just needs to trust that rather than passing the ball to the right (in the plan), when he feels to pass the ball to the left, that a team mate will be there to receive the ball, and he is.

Following your intuition takes incredible trust and it takes incredible faith. It requires you to listen to your heart, your gut, your body, your inner knowing, your in’tuition’, rather than your head, that provides logic and rational thinking.

This is something that I am working on in every moment of every hour, of every day, of every week and of every month, because I know it to be true. And the closer I get to living in the moment, in the now, from my intuition, the fuller my life becomes of true peace, love and joy.

And so the question I ask for you is, what messages are you getting from your intuition, your inner knowing at the moment, that don’t make any sense and aren’t logical? And what would it take for you to follow them, despite what your head is telling you? Despite the fact that taking that decision makes no sense? What’s the worst that would happen? Sometimes we just need to follow the feeling. Sometimes we just need to trust that, deep down we know what is good for us, even though it doesn’t make sense or add up. Sometimes we just need to take that leap of faith and know that everything will be OK.

Sending you lots of love and light,

Kat x x x

Learn more

Watch Amir’s ‘The Naked Truth’ webisodes

Visit Amir’s website

Visit Soul Sessions website

The Most Astounding Fact About the Universe


“Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.”

– Carl Sagan –

I was first shown this very beautiful video, just a couple of days ago, by a lovely new friend I have recently made, Eloise King. Who is also responsible for having created a fantastic project called Soul Sessions. She shared it with me via her blog, and it brought me to tears.

I have just watched it for a second time, and yet again, I am in tears.

It so perfectly, succinctly and beautifully explains and shows everything that I now know to be true about myself, the Universe, science and spirituality. It is the perfect confluence of so many things that have seemed so separate and unrelated in my life, before now.

The last 8 months have been probably the most informative and transformational in the 32 years and 10 months that I have spent in this body on this planet so far.

I have read books that have introduced me to ideas and concepts I could never have conceived possible. I have learnt about things that bend the very fabric of everything that I thought was true, only to find that a lot of what I have known to be true up until 2013, was merely just an illusion, and that in fact, the truth lies within me, rather than outside of me.

I have learnt that our thoughts create our reality, that the only limitation in what is possible in our lives, is the limit that we put on our own imagination, and that anything that we can conceive, and then believe to be possible, we can achieve.

I have never felt as enlightened and conscious as I do right now yet at the same time I don’t think I have ever faced as many challenges as I have faced. I know everything is interrelated. I know everything happens for a reason. I know that there are no coincidences. And I know that everything will be OK. I know that the Universe has my back, because I am the Universe, as is everyone and everything that exists within my reality. And I have absolute faith that as long as I give positive energy to myself and that which surrounds me, all will be fine.

So this blog post goes out to anyone who might be facing a few challenges in their life at the moment. Those who are feeling a little lost or confused. Those who perhaps feel that luck hasn’t been on their side of late, or that they might have been dealt a tricky hand for the time being.

And I say this to you. I love you. You are beautiful. You are special. You are here for a reason and no matter how difficult you think things might be right now, I promise you that everything will be OK. Everything that has happened in your life up until this point has brought you to right now. Let go of what has gone before, let go of what might be and embrace the now and trust that you are an infinite being, with infinite potential. Don’t be afraid to ask the Universe for help, you might be surprised by what happens. I love you with all my heart. Everything will be fine.

Sending you lots of love and light,

Kat x x x

Learn more

Read Eloise King’s blog post ‘Where Science Meets Spirituality

Visit Carl Sagan’s website

Visit the Soul Sessions website

The importance of Trust


“Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do.” 

– Benjamin Spock – 

A lack of trust in others, is just a lack of trust in yourself. 

I can’t remember the day that I realised this, or was taught it, but it was a pretty profound one and it has stayed with me for a while. 

For most of my life I was a bit of a control freak. I struggled to let others do things for me or help me out, always thinking that they would screw things up, make a mistake or that I could do a better job. 

This happened throughout the predominance of my 20s until I hit burnout at the age of 28. There were a number of things that contributed to this, but one of the reasons was my inability to reach out to others and trust that they could help me. 

I did a lot of personal development last year and am still on a wonderful, magical mystery tour of self discovery as I become more and more connected with my true self and less connected with my ego. And a large part of this development has been learning to trust myself, which in turn has allowed to me trust others, as we are all mirrors of one another. And a lack of trust in someone else and the need to control a person or situation is just a lack of trust in ourselves. 

So, what is the take away from today’s post. Trust yourself my darlings. You have everything you could possibly ever need right inside of you. Trust your instinct. Trust your heart. And connect with your body, rather than your mind when making a decision. 

How can you do this? Very easily. Meditation is key.

5 steps to a simple meditation

  1. Simply find a quiet place
  2. Sit down and close your eyes
  3. Focus on your breathing to bring you into the present moment.
  4. Breath in through your nose and out through your nose.
  5. Count 1 on the in breath and 2, 3 on the out breath until you get to 10 and start again from 1. 

And when you come out of the meditation ask yourself the question, ‘What do I need to know?’ and see what comes up for you. Or ‘What would love do?’

The more I live in the present moment, the more I make decisions from my heart and from a place of love and the more I trust myself, the more I see an amazing transformation in the people around me and in my reality. 

Are you too distrusting in certain people or situations in your life? Does this happen a lot? Do you try to control situations that you feel out of control of? Next time you feel anxious and the need to take control try these 6 simple steps:

6 steps to trusting yourself and letting go

  1. Stop what you’re doing and close your eyes.
  2. Make sure that your feet are on the ground, ideally take your shoes off if you can.
  3. Take a deep breath in and out.
  4. Count to 10.
  5. Say to yourself, ‘I trust myself and I trust that everything will be ok.’
  6. Place all of your energy on your heart and ask it ‘What do I need to know?’

Then trust that the answer will come to you, and most importantly, be ready to let go of whatever you are trying to control. 

Inspiration for this post

The importance of trusting yourself and others

Go with the flow


Be certain that what you wish to happen will happen, but also be certain in your uncertainty of how it will happen.

– Kat Kinnie –

I just wanted to share something that I have noticed starting to happen in my life over the last few days.

Life has just started getting easier. Opportunities have just started presenting themselves to me, without me even seeming to have to do anything to create them. And I know exactly why this is.

I’ve just chosen to go with the flow more.

I’ve also chosen to have as positive a mindset in every single moment, of every single day, that I possibly can. Whenever a teeny tiny ounce of doubt or worry or uncertainty has snuck into my head (and thoughts can be sneaky when they want to), I’ve just let them disappear as quickly as they appeared. And I have chosen to replace them with thoughts and feelings of confidence and certainty in what I’m doing in that very moment.

And low and behold, the Universe is rewarding me for this, in exchange for me trusting in it.

Sometimes you just need to let go of the how, and trust that whatever you are wishing for and desiring to happen, will happen.

As long as it is something that you truly and deeply would love to happen. Someone you wish to meet, something you wish to achieve or have in your life. As long as you feel holistic and deep and unconditional love for something you would like, the Universe will help you. You just need to let go of the how. Don’t force it. Just let things be and watch how amazingly and beautifully your life will then play out in front of you.

It’s so much fun and so exciting.

So, my thought for the day is this. Get clear on what you would love to happen in your life. It might be an exciting new job or project or business venture or partnership, it might be a new relationship, it might be a pay rise or an awesome new client, it might be better health, it might be learning a new hobby. Whatever it is, get clear in your mind what you desire. Tell yourself that you absolutely deserve this amazing thing to happen in your life. Believe in your body and your mind. Feel that this thing will definitely happen with absolute certainty, and then let it go. Set it free, like the setting free of a carrier pigeon.

Imagine that you have let the carrier pigeon go off into the Universe with your wish attached to its neck. And now, all you need to do is trust that it will bring it right back to you. You don’t need to know how it will come back to you, the route it will take, or how long it will take, you just need to trust that it will come back.

And just the same as the pigeon will go with the flow of the wind, the weather and the currents while it is on its journey. You must allow life to just flow too. Trust it and let awesome things happen.

When the Universe brings you people or events or experiences to help to bring you your wish, even if they are seemingly unrelated, receive them into your life and embrace them. Trust that no matter how random or serendipitous these things may be, like stepping-stones for crossing a river, each and every one will bring you closer to receiving your wish.

And just the same as when Aladdin made his wishes with the genie from the lamp. He didn’t spend time or energy worrying about how they were granted, he just made them and trusted that the genie would make them happen.

Trust the Universe, trust the genie and go with the flow.

Inspiration for this post

Disney’s Aladdin – Genie song ‘Friend like me’ – You Tube

Amir Zoghi’s Daily Video Blog – Episode 2 – Certainty in Uncertainty 
