Open Your Heart


‘I didn’t know love, until I knew you.’

– Parzival –

So I enjoyed yet another truly wonderful Dru Yoga class today. Words literally cannot describe how fantastic and powerful this style of yoga is. The practice that my teacher put together today was nothing short of amazing, and I was in a flood of tears by the end of it. Some would think that’s a bad thing, but I was obviously shifting something, which I’m incredibly grateful for.

At the beginning of every year I set an intention. Last year it was to improve my relationship with money, little did I know that I would end up enduring 7 months of not making any money at all through my business, in order to learn the lessons that I needed to learn (including the importance of being able to receive). However, the tricky stuff aside, the Universe definitely delivered and I have definitely improved my relationship with money, and am continuing to perfect it day by day.

This year I set the intention to really, truly and honestly understand what it is to unconditionally love, knowing full well that that would begin with myself. Because once I have unconditional love for me, I will then experience it with all of the other people and relationships that I have in my life, as they’ll be reflections of me.

And the Universe, being true to its word has already set about helping me out with that one. First and foremost, it has required me to be single, so no more boyfriend for me right now. In fact, no boyfriend until I love myself completely and unconditionally and don’t need anyone else to fill in the holes that I haven’t filled myself.

The next few months of this year is going to be a love affair with myself and opening my heart as far and wide as possible. And there are so many beautiful things and experiences that are showing up to help me with that. Dru Yoga, heart opening meditations from Mind Valley, amazing energy work from Heart Centered Living expert Mr Robert Kirby, Sound Healing to open up my heart, the list is endless. In fact, my intention of every day is to open up my heart as wide as I can, wider and wider with every day that passes, so I can let as much love and light in, and give is back to the earth in equal measure.

Also, very interestingly, this is an 11/2 Personal Year for me in Numerology. The 2 representing a year of relationships, balance and emotions. A year to create harmony in my life and work on relationships, including, most importantly, my relationship with myself. And the higher vibration of 11, means I’ll experience a year of illumination, inspiration and personal growth. A year where I will be given opportunities to reach a higher level of awareness and experience growth and further enlightenment. To calculate your personal year, you add the day and month that you were born to the current year.

So for me this is 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 11 As I was born on 2 Nov.

And so, as I write to you from the comfort of my sofa at home, a cup of rooibos tea, some cadburys chocolate and a couple of candles flickering beside me, I’m enjoying a very lovely date night in with myself and I couldn’t be happier. Once this post has been written, I will probably enjoy a lovely soak in a epsom salt + lavender oil bath and then snuggle down for the night.

So, I guess the purpose of this post is to encourage all of your beautiful people to open your hearts too. Whenever life sends you a slightly tricky situation or an experience that perhaps isn’t ideal, just open your heart and let love out and let love in and see what happens next. I’m doing this as much as I can every day and I’m getting some pretty beautiful results.

And to close, here is a very beautiful song ‘Til I Knew You by the very wonderful Parzival.


Here’s to love, light and opening our hearts to all the love that is there for us to experience.

Open-hearted love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

P.S. If you want to fin out what the meaning of your Personal Year is and have a 60 minute Numerology reading, I do these in person in Manly, Australia or over Skype for $220. Just drop me an email at to book a time slot with me. 🙂

Image gratitude –


Let people do things in their own time


‘In your own time
There’s no map to guide our way
So I say nothing, you say nothing
In your own way
Thought I could help you find your place
But I’m as lost as you are lost’

– In Your Own Time, Keane –

I’m an eternal optimist. Always have been, always will be. I have always seen the best in people, and always see their highest potential from the get go. I always see their light. The tricky thing is, they don’t always see what I see . . . .

There’s one very special person in my life who I have known from a very young age would be an incredibly successful author. She has always had an incredible gift for writing and a fantastic imagination. I told her a long, long time ago that I saw this future for her, but it was just too overwhelming for her to get her beautiful head around, and she never believed me.  So I gave up encouraging her and trusted that if it was meant to be, it would happen.

I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t frustrated or even a little sad that she wasn’t living up to her potential and using the gifts that she had been given, but this is something I have had to come to terms with in my life.

The good news is, she has started writing, and a book is on its way. It might be ten years after I realised that this was her destiny, but better late than never right?

We can have the best intentions for people in our lives. We can see their gold and the light that is shining right inside of them, but we can’t reach in and turn it up for them. They have to do that for themselves. And we must accept that. We must also accept that we can’t rush them, we can’t push them, we can’t force them, nor can we cajole them. And even more importantly, we must also accept that they may never live up to their potential. Which is probably the hardest one of all for me.

There is another very special person in my life, and I know that they are on this planet to do the most spectacular things. They are wise, creative and gifted beyond comprehension, but they just aren’t ready to embrace their gifts and talents, and perhaps never will. And they may never embrace the spiritual world that is here to help them cultivate their gifts and co-create with them.

I think it is one of the hardest things in life for me to meet people whom I know aren’t living their truth. People who aren’t following their life path or their purpose. People who aren’t using the incredible gifts and talents that they have been given. It makes me sad and frustrated. However, I’m learning more and more every day to let this go, and allow people to find these things out for themselves in their own time, or perhaps not at all.

I also hope and wish that one day I will find a beautiful partner who is aware of what they’re here to do, their gifts and talents and are living on purpose and walking their life path with hope, love, peace and joy. That would make me very happy indeed.

I’m also so incredibly happy and grateful that Numerology came into my life, because it is the most wonderful way to learn all of these things about you. Your Numerology chart is pretty much your cheat sheet for life. A Blueprint for everything that is awesome about you, your gifts, talents, your life path, what makes your heart sing, what your personality is, what your ultimate life purpose is and what themes lie ahead for you.

And for all the people I meet who aren’t living their truth, I take comfort and joy and excitement in the people who come to me for a reading, because these are the people who are ready. These are the people who are ready to do what they came here to do.

My darlings, don’t be afraid to look inside for your light. Don’t be afraid to reach in and turn it up as brightly as you can. Don’t be afraid of how bright your own light can shine, because the brighter you shine, the more you will inspire others to do the same.

Write that book. Start that business. Paint that painting. Make that change. Do what you came here to do. Use the beautiful gifts that you were given.

Sending you love, hugs and light my beautiful friends,

Kat x x x


A 60 minute Numerology reading with me costs $250 and you will get your very own Numerology chart as a pdf to keep forever. I hold them in person in Manly or over Skype. Drop me an email at if you’d like one.

Give Yourself Permission (Part 1)


“As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.”
– Marianne Williamson –

It was about this time last year that Numerology was starting to really interest me.

I had been introduced to it by a client of mine in Dec 2012. And I wrote an entire blog post on this entitled ‘You can find your purpose in life, through numbers‘.

As well as realising that I am a 22/4 life path, it became apparent to me that I am Expression/Destiny 3. And in numerology a 3 represents creativity, optimism and positivity amongst many other things.

In numerology, while your life path is like the plot or theme of your life (if it were a book or a movie or a play), your Expression/Destiny number is the character that you play while you walk your life path. So while the 22/4 represents the Master Builder who (if they are vibrating at the 22 frequency) has the ability to make the seemingly impossible, possible, some one with a 3 Expression would be expressing themselves in a very creative way.

And this time last year, and pretty much the entirety of my adult life, I had not been doing that. Interestingly when I was younger, I was very creative and loved to be creative. I loved to sing, I loved to paint, I loved to write, to take photos, the list is endless. However, when it came to choosing subjects to study at school for my GCSEs and A-Levels I was told that I should take those which were ‘academic’.

Even though in my heart I really wanted to study art and music, theatre and design, I ended up taking French and German and Geography and Sociology and Business. Now, I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy those subjects, nor did I not succeed at them. However, I was sad that I didn’t get to study the creative subjects, just to see where they would have taken me in life . . . .

I have no regrets now, because the things that I have done up until now in my career have got me to where I am today. However, one of the things that my numerologist said to me last February when I had a proper reading was that as a 3 Expression I really needed to be expressing myself in as creative a way as possible in life, because that was my destiny. And by doing so, the Universe would support me.

As a result, I started writing this beautiful blog. I also started writing a book. I started to sing more and I started to paint. All of the things that I loved to do as a child, I was bringing back into my life now, and it made me feel happy . . .

To learn about what happened next, tune in tomorrow for Part 2.

Sending you love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

You can find your purpose in life, through numbers


“All is number’ 

– Pythagorus –

I know, I know, ‘Find my life purpose through numbers?! What the heck?’ I can hear the words tinkling around your head right now. But perfectly, you’re reading this blog post, so it means that you’re interested enough to find out more, which is awesome.

I have had an interest in Numerology and the significance of numbers throughout my life, but for some reason, never sought out any information on it. That was until last Dec (2012).

I had just arrived at the flat of a client of mine, and despite it looking a little dated and a bit ’70s’ from the outside, when I stepped into her apartment, it had an air of peace and tranquility about it, a very different to the energy I sensed on the outside of the building. When I mentioned this to her, she said that it was because of the number of the apartment.  Interestingly it’s a 2 which represents (amongst other things) peace, harmony and sensitivity.

She then asked me for my birthdate in order to calculate my Life Path number as she could see that I was interested. Her eyes widened as she calculated it, checked it and double checked it. ‘Oh my goodness!’ she said, ‘What?!’ I replied. ‘You’re a 22!!!’, ‘What does that mean?’ I said. And it turns out that it’s a pretty special number numerological.

In order to find my Life Path, we added all of the numbers in my date of birth together (2/11/1980), so 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 = 22. Or 22/4 as some Numerologists would say. Which turns out is a Master Number and represents The Master Builder. Apparently Master Builders can make the seemingly impossible possible. This now makes perfect sense to me, with regards to what happened last year when I managed to not only set up my business successfully in Australia, but also sponsor myself through it in order to stay. Apparently there aren’t many people (if at all anyone) who has managed to do this before.

However, it all seemed a little far-fetched and a bit overwhelming though at the time, so she kindly leant me a couple of books, which I started to read. I found this information out last December and it took me a good 2-3 months to properly get my head around it and start to apply its significance to my life.

Since starting to read and educate myself about Numerology, more and more people in my life have started to becoming interested in it and I have started to do mini readings for my friends. So, after having done yet another one for a good friend today I decided to write a blog post on it and spread my love of Numerology further.

Numerology goes back a long way, and has many roots. Pythagorus is one of the founding fathers of Numerology as he believed that The Universe could be explained by numbers. Also St Augustine of Hippo (what an awesome name by the way?!) concurred and wrote “Numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as confirmation of the truth.”

Since learning what I have learnt, I believe that knowing what your Life Path and Expression (or Destiny) numbers are can have a profound effect on how you live your life and what you achieve. And the sooner you become aware of your numbers and embrace them, the easier it is for The Universe to support and help you in life.

According to Numerology, most people live their lives not being aware of what their numbers (or truth) are, and therefore never know how to step into their power and live their full purpose while they are on this planet. Furthermore, The Universe is continuously trying help us in life, by giving us messages in the form of numbers. And it is only those who are particularly present to those numbers that will receive the messages. These messages can come in all kinds of forms anywhere from your favourite number, to the number of your favourite sports player, the number of a favourite house or apartment you lived in, etc.

My favourite number for example has always been 2. This is interesting as it not only shows up in my date of birth as I was born on the 2nd, but in my name as both of my names begin with a K (Kat Kinnie) which is represented by 2 numerologically, and my Personality Number, which is an 11/2.

Numerology is a big subject and there is way too much to say on how fascinating a subject it is in just one post, but I think I will be talking about it a bit more in the future.

What I will say is that the two most significant numbers that anyone should be aware of is your Life Path and your Expression Number. Your Life Path is based on your date of birth and signifies what your purpose is in life and the lessons that you are here to learn. Your Expression or Destiny number is based on the full name that you were given at birth and which features on your birth certificate. And this number represents your talents, abilities and shortcomings.

As mentioned before, my Life Path is a 22/4, which includes the spiritual and intuitive energy of the 11 (i.e. I’m great at coming up with ideas and following my heart and my intuition), but also the grounded energy of the 4 (which means not only can I think up cool ideas, I can execute them too).

This has been a pretty crazy realisation for me, because it perfectly describes what Thought Cloud (my company) is. We help people make their dreams a reality. We help to inspire people to follow their hearts and do what they love, and we provide frameworks, strategies, Action Plans, help, support and advice to help these things become a reality. So it was super cool to realise that I was already living my 22ness last year when I set up my company.

The other important number is your Expression Number. For me, it is 3. This is a highly creative energy, which is prefect as it represents my love of and skill in music (I love to sing), art (I love to paint) and writing (I love to write), amongst other creative things. I have also learnt that it is a pretty scattered energy too, so it explains why in some instances I can be very organised, clean, tidy and orderly in life (my grounded 4 energy), but also how I can be quite disorganised and all over the place at times too.

The great thing is that I can play to both of these numbers whenever I need either organisation to get stuff done, or off-the-wall creativity to design or make something awesome and unique.

So, to tie everything up, if you’re now super interested in Numerology, here is a link where you can calculate your own numbers and start to discover more yourself. I also had an amazing Numerology Reading recently by the fantastic and beautiful Michelle Buchanan, who made sense of everything for me and connected all of the dots.

I’ll definitely be writing other posts about this, as Numerology is a subject that interests me greatly. I also believe that it is a great tool for helping you to discover what your purpose is, if that is something that you’re struggling with.

For those of you who are now bitten by the Numerology bug like me, happy exploring and discovering and be sure to let me know what you find out about your numbers!! I’d love to know.

Inspiration for this post

How to calculate your Numbers