Think and Grow Rich


‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.’

-Napoleon Hill –

WOW. This is literally one of the most fantastic books I have ever read, and I’m among good company as it has sold over 20 million copies worldwide. There is was too much to say about how brilliant the contents of this book is, so first and fore-mostly I will say, if you haven’t read this book yet, I can highly recommend it.

Secondly, I will attempt to summarise why it is indeed so fantastic.

This book will give you the secret to making money and being abundantly successful in life. It will give you practical advice, steps and tools to follow and it will give you real life examples of people who have followed the success principles that Napoleon Hill outlines to achieve financial abundance in their lives.

He also explains how powerful our thoughts are, and when used correctly and positively can be used to manifest incredible things in our life (including money). And he explains the importance of working with (as Napoleon refers to it) Universal Intelligence in order to manifest our hearts desires.

This book is the bible when it comes to making money. And when the guidelines given are received, accepted, believed and acted upon, to the letter, only good will come to the people who read it. Literally anything is possible in life.

And in the book, he outlines 13 Steps to follow in order to achieve riches in life:

  1. Desire: The Starting Point of all Achievement
  2. Faith: Visualizing and Believing in the Attainment of Desire
  3. Autosuggestion: The Medium for Influencing the Subconscious Mind
  4. Specialized KnowledgeL Personal Experience or Observations
  5. Imagination: The Workshop of the Mind
  6. Organized Planning: The Crystallization of Desire into Action
  7. Decision: The Mastery of Procrastination
  8. Persistence: The Sustained Effort Necessary to Induce Faith
  9. Power of the Master Mind: The Driving Force
  10. The Myster of Sex Transmutation
  11. The Subconscious Mind: The Connecting Link
  12. The Brain: A Broadcasting and Receiving Station for Thought
  13. The Sixth Sense: The Door to the Temple of Wisdom

I was interviewed at an event last weekend in Sydney run by the beautiful people at Soul Sessions called ‘Think Feel & Grow Rich‘ alongside the very wonderful Justine Ruszczyk, where we discussed in more detail how people can apply the principles that Napoleon discusses in his book in real life.

I spoke in detail about the importance of having a definite chief aim and how, what I do through my company Thought Cloud, can help people get very clear on this in relation to their brand. When you are clear on your values, your mission, your vision, what you do, why you do it and who you do it for, its much easier to manifest and create a business that you love and that brings abundance back to you in equal measure to what you offer to the world.

Justine spoke at length and in detail about the neuroscience, quantum physics and epigenetics that is now available to us, that supports the principles he discusses in his book. And the fact that our thoughts really do create our reality, and that we all have the ability to take control of our mind and have it work for us in a positive manner, rather than it controlling us and out lives.

Justine has studied under world renowned neuroscientist and author, Dr Joe Dispenza and is responsible for bringing his work to Australia, and there is a really great interview between Soul Session founder Eloise King and Joe which you might enjoy.

He is also about to release a fantastic new book on Self Healing entitled ‘You Are The Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter‘ which is due for release on 29 April.


And for those of you who want to get involved with Napoleon Hills work right away, before even reading the book, there is a great 2 hour long video on You Tube that you will enjoy.


So, in conclusion, if you haven’t bought or read this book yet, and you’re wanting to create more wealth and abundance in your life, take the fact that you’re reading this blog post as a sign and run out and get a hold of the book. I promise you from the bottom of my heart, you won’t regret it.

Sending you love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Learn more

Buy Think & Grow Rich at the book depository or the Kindle Edition.


Buy Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose your Mind and Create a New One at the book depository or via the Kindle Edition.


Watch What the Bleep Do We Know? 


Visit  Dr Joe Dispenza’s website



Stop being responsible


‘I want to stop being responsible in order to be happy.’

– Abraham Hicks, channelled by Esther Hicks –

When talking with a very good friend of mine yesterday about why some slightly tricky things are happening in my life related to people who I love, she gave me a very interesting piece of advice. That piece of advice was ‘Stop being responsible Kat’.

This was a curious observation and reflection for me and illuminated something that had clearly become a blind spot. And despite the fact that I wrote a blog post to this effect just a couple of days ago, I had obviously understood the concept intellectually, but the Universe was now giving me an opportunity to actually embody this and properly experience the advice I was giving, for myself.

Another beautiful friend of mine then sent me a link to an Abraham video about being positive after a relationship breakdown, which was very helpful, and the link that I clicked on after that was this fantastic teaching about the importance of stopping being responsible.

I’m not even going to say any more on the subject, because Abraham says it all.

Enjoy. 🙂

Love, hugs and light to you all,

Kat x x x

Give yourself permission (Part 3)


“Don’t look for society to give you permission to be yourself.”

– Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Following on from yesterday’s Part 2 . . .

. . .  It’s not been easy. In fact, it’s been really, really hard for me. I’m sure people on the outside think that I just woke up one day with a cool idea, painted some designs, threw them on a website and then invited people to contribute, but it has taken so much more than that. . . . .

It has taken me, letting go of the image that most people have of me, ‘academic Kat’, ‘intellectual Kat’, ‘clever Kat’, so that I could allow the more ‘creative Kat’ to come in. The way that I am on this planet to truly express myself. Through writing, or singing or painting or designing. It’s been hard, however, my desire to do that which I love and let go of the ‘notself’ has been incredibly liberating, and I feel as though this is just the beginning.

And so, to conclude. Whatever you feel in your heart to do, do it. Whatever you wanted to do when you were little, and never got to do, do it now. There is no time like the present, and anything is possible.

If you always wanted to be a vet, and you’re 40, there’s still time to study and become a vet. If you always wanted to dance, then dance. If you always wanted to write a book, write a book. If you always wanted to start your own business, f*ck it, start your own business goddammit! If you’ve been running a project on the side of your day job and you’d like to start making money out of it, because that is what you would love to do, then do it! You don’t need permission from anyone other than yourself. Life is too short. And just because your choices were taken away from you by someone else earlier in your life, doesn’t mean to say that you can’t make different ones now. You’re too wonderful and too precious and too gifted.

If you feel in your heart to do something, from a place of love, for yourself, for your life, your happiness then do it. I promise you that you won’t regret it. Carpe-the-mother-funking -Diem!

If you would like to have a Numerology reading and learn what your Life Path and Expression numbers are (among many other things), feel free to drop me a line at and I will talk you through your entire Numerological Chart and let you know what the coming year has in store for you. A 60 minute reading with me is $150 AUD.

And if you would like to buy a Katkin t-shirt or tote bag, feel free to skip over to our crowd funding page on Indiegogo.


Sending you lots of love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Read Part 1 of this blog post

Read Part 2 of this blog post

Give yourself permission (Part 2)


“Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another.”
– Madonna Ciccone –

Following on from yesterday’s Part 1 . . .

. . . All of the things that I loved to do as a child, I was bringing back into my life now, and it made me feel happy . . .

One of the things I started to do was paint t-shirt and bag designs, and it was only when I started to share them with people did they start to tell me how much they liked them and that I should do something with them. The problem was I had no confidence in my creativity, and I couldn’t actually believe that anyone would think that something I had painted was any good.

My boyfriend kept asking me when I was going to sell them. Every time I told him, that I wasn’t ready and that I wasn’t really sure whether they were any good. I had been told over and over again, that I wasn’t that creative and that I should study ‘academic’ subjects, so that was all I knew. What gave me the right to start a company designing t-shirts and tote bags?

The thing was, I loved painting and designing them. It got to the point where the designs were flying out of me. I had painted tonnes and tonnes of them and I had come up with hundreds of designs that were just flowing out of me effortlessly and easily. The problem? I didn’t think I was good enough.

My boyfriend (Darren) offered to put money into the business to start it, I refused. My boyfriend continuously asked me, when are you going to do something with Katkin (which was the name I gave to the project)? To which I answered, I don’t know. It got to the point where it had been nearly a year since I had painted my first design and still nothing much had happened.

I just didn’t have the confidence. I just didn’t see myself as someone creative enough to start a clothing company using my own designs.

But Darren never gave up, he kept asking me and asking me. “Come on Kat, when are you going to do this? What needs to happen next?”

Bit, by, bit I inched closer. I took a shortlist of about 8 designs and asked friends to vote via Facebook on their top 4. Then once they were selected, we took some photos of the t-shirts and us in them. Then I plucked up the courage to make a video. And we finally put together a crowd funding campaign to start the business, because the only thing holding us back was capital.


And so, here we are a month or so later and we have raised nearly $2000 so we can get our first run of tees and totes, set up a website and start selling our beautiful designs.


It’s not been easy. In fact, it’s been really, really hard for me. I’m sure people on the outside think that I just woke up one day with a cool idea, painted some designs, threw them on a website and then invited people to contribute, but it has taken so much more than that. . . . .

To find out what else it has taken, tune in tomorrow for the third and last part of this 3 part blog series.

Sending you lots of love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Open up your pure heart


‘I didn’t know love, until I knew you.’

– Parzival –

Recently I have really got into the crowdfunding movement. I think it is one of the most beautiful ways to get funding from likeminded people for a project, book, film, album or business you are wanting to start, but lack the capital to get it going.

I’m working on a film called A Vibrational World at the moment and we will be running a crowdfunding campaign for the first round of funding quite soon. And I am also pulling together a campaign to fund a conscious clothing company that I am wanting to start called Katkin. More on those two projects in later posts though.

Anyway, I have set the intention to start to find and fund projects through Indiegogo that I think rock, and yesterday was no exception.

I came across the most beautiful musical artist from Seattle, called Parzival yesterday who was looking for $1000 funding to support the release of his new album called ‘Pisces Rising’. The album ‘tells the story of love and self-acceptance as a way through modern perils.’ Which I thought was super cool, especially considering the work that I have been doing on myself in this space over the last few years.

So I followed the link to the campaign page and came across this incredibly beautiful song, which reduced me to tears pretty quickly. ‘Til I Knew You, is not only a song about love for another, but most definitely a song about the love that we need to have for ourselves. And the fact that we can only experience that love, when we decide to truly open our heart and allow ourselves to be vulnerable.

I donated $25 US in exchange for a digital download of his new album, a CD copy of it and a copy of his first CD too. The digital download was emailed to me a few hours after I had donated, which was super cool.

Firstly I would say, if you like the song, pop along to his Indiegogo page and contribute to his campaign. And secondly I would say, if you have any kind of project or business idea that you have had in the back of your mind or floating around for some time, but have been held back by lack of funds, now you have no excuse. Just set up a crowdfunding campaign, share it with friends and family and see what happens. You might be pleasantly surprised.

Sending you love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Learn more

Visit Perzival’s crowdfunding page

Visit Perzival’s website

Image gratitude – Photo by alonis.

Live for the now


While I was looking for inspiration for my blog post today, I saw two posts on Facebook that I couldn’t ignore and were very definitely linked.

The first was the quote from the Dalai Lama, which is above, and very simple, yet profound.

And the second was an article from about a set of pictures that photographer Tom Hussey took to illustrate just how much we change in our lives and how  quickly time can pass if we’re not present to it.

Here are a handful of the photos, but you can view all of them here.







And you can visit Tom Hussey’s site here.

So, if you were 100 and looking back at a photo of yourself when you were younger, would you be happy with the life that you have led up until that point? Are there things that you are likely to wish you had done? Places you’d been? Things you had seen?

I have recently turned 33, which means that I have another 77 years on this planet to continue to make a positive difference and live the life of my dreams. What would you like to feel about your life and the journey you have taken when you look in the mirror at 100?

Sending you love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Time is on your side


‘They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.’

– Andy Warhol –

Ever get that sinking feeling when you wake up that the day that lies ahead of you is almost too overwhelming for words? Well, that was how I felt when I awoke yesterday at around 5am. Despite the fact that I was up super early and had the time to plan my day, I still realised that I hadn’t managed my diary very well and had stacked my plate a little too high. . . . and that was how things rolled for the rest of the day, a feeling of overwhelm.

I did about 3 hours of work before heading into the city to spend the day with a client, met with another client in the afternoon, had to shoot back home to grab some delicious food that my beautiful boyfriend had made and then rushed off to do a Conscious Branding workshop for our local Manly Entrepreneurs Meet Up Group. By the time I got home at 9.45pm I was exhausted and I had just long enough to have a quick conversation with the boy, before promptly falling asleep on the sofa. Eek. Not ideal.

So, today is a new day, and I have decided to learn from the mistakes that I made yesterday, and most importantly give myself a break and not beat myself up over it. Normally I am pretty good with organising my schedule. Yesterday was just a blip.

Interestingly, as I was checking my inbox this morning, I came across this great little video by the wonderful Miss Marie Forleo on time management (Four things really productive people do every day), and it was as if it was sitting there ready and waiting for me to watch. Thank you Universe.

After watching the video I have made a list of everything that I need to cover off today separating the list into ‘Urgent’, what I need to do before my first client meeting at 10am today, and ‘Non Urgent’, the things that can wait until later in the day.

I have also mapped out the next 3 and a half hours of my morning in 30 minute intervals (6.45 – 7.15 – Write blog post for the day, 7.15 – 7.45 – go for a walk, 7.45 – 8.15 – Meditate, 8.15 – 8.45 – Shower & have breakfast, 8.45 – 9.45 – Do a spot of work to kick the day off).

Now I feel much less overwhelmed, am happy that I will get to do everything that I need to do first thing this morning, and I will be starting the day as I mean to go on.

If we start our day in overwhelm about how much we have to do and we don’t plan our day, we then spend the rest of the day in overwhelm. So, start as you mean to go on.

Despite having a lot on your plate, it is very easy to begin the day by planning your time effectively and once you know that it is entirely possible for you to fit everything in easily, it will set you up to enjoy effortless flow throughout the day.

Of course you will be thrown curve balls, and sure you might be thrown off course a little, but if you have prioritised the tasks that you need to cover off throughout the day, it will be easy for you to know which things can be pushed to tomorrow, and which things absolutely need to be done today.

And remember, as Marie says in her video, Time is on your side. As long as you remember that, it’ll be easier to go with the flow of it.

Sending you love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Image gratitude –

You’re an eagle not a chicken


‘To live and let live is to live and live free.’

– Eldon Taylor –

I’ve just finished reading a fantastic new book by a lovely guy called Eldon Taylor called Choices and Illusions and it is a fantastic explanation of how we have unwittingly taken on beliefs that are not ours and that have been fed to us through the media, advertising and other channels (the illusions) and explains that we do indeed have the ability to make conscious decisions about how we would like our lives to be (the choices).

And there is a great story in his book, which demonstrates that despite the fact that we are all born with the ability of an eagle, we are raised with the limitations of thinking that we are chickens.

I found a YouTube video of Eldon telling the story too if you would like to watch it.


I started to have the realisation that I was indeed an eagle, rather than a chicken when I did a weekend seminar in Sydney last year called Live It Now. It started to shine a light on a whole set of limiting beliefs that I didn’t even realise I had been carrying around with me. And I started to realise that a lot of the things I thought about myself, others and the world weren’t in fact my own thoughts, but programming that I had subconsciously picked up throughout my life. Nothing that I had done wrong, but that I had been in a hypnotic trance for the majority of my life, believing that I wasn’t good enough, clever enough, knew enough, the list goes on . . . .

It was during this weekend that I began to connect more with my true self. The self that is a limitless being. A spirit having a human experience. The all-seeing and all-knowing. Someone who has peace and love in their hearts and who only wants to good in this world. And in order to really be that true authentic self I needed to start to become aware of the illusions, let them go and start making my own choices.

At the time I was working for Rupert Murdoch’s News Limited Group and within 3 months of taking the course I left the company to start my own. I no longer watch or read the news, nor do I pay attention to mainstream advertising or marketing.

I decided that I wanted to take everything that I had come to know about marketing and branding and use it for the Greater Good, helping people who have a product or service that is going to benefit humankind or the planet tell their story and attract people who think and feel the same way they do.

I am also writing a book that compliments what I do and shines a light on conscious brands all over the world who exist to make a positive difference.

I have had to smash through illusion after illusion, limiting belief after limiting belief, including those around whether someone would even want to read a blog I have written or a book I have put together.

Now, I can’t even imagine not having started my blog or my book, because I have had such positive feedback and love from the Universe.

Eldon’s book serves to bring our awareness to the illusions that are present in our lives and have us realise that we are indeed not a chicken, but an eagle. And once we have realised we are an eagle, his book then serves to educate and inspire us as to how we can settle into that which we have always been and make conscious choices so we can live the life that has always been available to us, we just didn’t know it. He encourages us to ‘live into ourselves‘ which is something I strive to do in every moment of every day.

A quote from Eldon’s book –

‘You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement.

You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget this errand.’

– Woodrow Wilson – 

So my thought for the day is this. How much of your life are you spending as a chicken or an eagle? How much time do you spend listening to other chickens vs finding other eagles to soar with? How aware are you of the choices available to you in your life vs the illusions and limitations that have been programmed into your mind by others?

I realised that I was an eagle about 18 months ago and I have been spending every day since learning to fly with other eagles and letting the chicken lie go. You’re an eagle not a chicken, all you need to do is choose which life you’d like to live. 

Learn more

Visit Eldon’s website –

Buy Choices and Illusions


Eldon Taylor is a New York Times best-selling author and is considered to be an expert in the field of subconscious learning. He has made a lifelong study of the human mind and has earned doctoral degrees in psychology and metaphysics. He is a Fellow with the American Psychotherapy Association (APA) and a nondenominational minister. Eldon has served as an expert witness in court cases involving hypnosis and subliminal communication.

Eldon was a practicing criminalist for over ten years specializing in lie detection and forensic hypnosis. Today he is president and director of Progressive Awareness Research, Inc. Since 1984 his books, audio programs, lectures, radio and television appearances have approached personal empowerment from the cornerstone perspective of forgiveness, gratitude, self-responsibility and service.

Do what you love (Part 2)


‘Find something you are passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.’

– Julia Child –

A few months ago I wrote a blog post entitled ‘Do what you love (Part 1). Today I feel inspired to write a follow up to it, because intuitively, that is the feeling I had for the subject of my blog post when I woke up this morning.

As I mentioned yesterday, I haven’t written blog posts for the last couple of weeks. I’m not entirely sure why and can’t explain this, but yesterday was the first time in a little while that I felt to write.

I must say, the Universe responded in the most beautiful and perfect way, to reinforce how important it is for me to be writing and sharing. My post had 30 likes, 7 comments, I picked up quite a few new followers and I had the best stat day I have had in the last month or so.

And furthermore, I wrote the post, without any expectation or agenda. I just wrote it from my heart, put it out into the Universe openly and honestly, and most importantly, I enjoyed the process. I enjoyed writing the post, and I enjoyed sharing my thoughts and feelings.

It just reminded me of how important it is to a) follow the feeling and your intuition (the feeling that I had to write yesterday) b) be present in the moment without expectation or agenda and c) do what I love. I love to write, I love to share and I love to help.


Secondly I ran a workshop last night at our local Meet Up Group ‘Manly Entrepreneurs‘ on Conscious Branding. I was so humbled to be talking to a room of 40+ people about branding and we worked collaboratively to define the values of the ‘Manly Entrepreneurs‘ brand.

Initially I was a little nervous about speaking to a group of people about what I do as it is the first time I have done this since starting my company a year or so ago, but I’m so glad I did. Everyone appreciated the talk, enjoyed the content that I shared and most importantly they loved contributing to creating the brand together.

Holding this event made me feel alive, connected, happy, joyful and present. I was so happy to share my knowledge and apply it to something that I like so much.

So, the thought for the day is this. Are you filling your life with things that you love, and if not, how can you start to? In Part 1, I talk about a ‘Do what you love’ that I have on my fridge which is a constant reminder for me to fill my life with things that I love and that make me happy. Why not write one and stick it on your fridge?

Sending you lots of love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Read more on this subject

Do what you love (Part 1)

Fill your life with things you love

You are infinite potential


“You’re alive…That means you have infinite potential. You can do anything, make anything, dream anything. If you change the world, the world will change. Potential. Once you’re dead, it’s gone. Over. You’ve made what you’ve made, dreamed your dream, written your name.”

– Neil Gaiman –

I saw a fantastic video today on You Tube and wanted to share it with you. It demonstrates that we are all limitless beings with limitless potential.

And the only difference between those who live their lives in a limitless way and those who don’t is belief that it is possible.

I spent a lot of my life believing the lies that I was told, being comfortably numb, comfortably uncomfortable. Never asking the difficult questions. Never wondering why I was here, what life was really about. Until a few years ago.

I started to challenge convention. I started to challenge the status quo. And as I did so, my heart and mind started to open up to new and infinite possibilities.

About a year and half ago I decided that I wasn’t happy in the corporate world. I wasn’t happy being told what to do, how to think, how to live my life. And I decided that I wanted out.

18 months later I am running my own company, living in a very beautiful part of the world, and am fully in control of my own destiny.

The only limits that we experience in life, are the ones that we impose on ourselves.

Anything is possible. We are infinite beings with infinite potential.

What would you like to change in your life, so you can live in a limitless way? How can you take back your power?

Sending you lots of love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Image reference –