Open Your Heart


‘I didn’t know love, until I knew you.’

– Parzival –

So I enjoyed yet another truly wonderful Dru Yoga class today. Words literally cannot describe how fantastic and powerful this style of yoga is. The practice that my teacher put together today was nothing short of amazing, and I was in a flood of tears by the end of it. Some would think that’s a bad thing, but I was obviously shifting something, which I’m incredibly grateful for.

At the beginning of every year I set an intention. Last year it was to improve my relationship with money, little did I know that I would end up enduring 7 months of not making any money at all through my business, in order to learn the lessons that I needed to learn (including the importance of being able to receive). However, the tricky stuff aside, the Universe definitely delivered and I have definitely improved my relationship with money, and am continuing to perfect it day by day.

This year I set the intention to really, truly and honestly understand what it is to unconditionally love, knowing full well that that would begin with myself. Because once I have unconditional love for me, I will then experience it with all of the other people and relationships that I have in my life, as they’ll be reflections of me.

And the Universe, being true to its word has already set about helping me out with that one. First and foremost, it has required me to be single, so no more boyfriend for me right now. In fact, no boyfriend until I love myself completely and unconditionally and don’t need anyone else to fill in the holes that I haven’t filled myself.

The next few months of this year is going to be a love affair with myself and opening my heart as far and wide as possible. And there are so many beautiful things and experiences that are showing up to help me with that. Dru Yoga, heart opening meditations from Mind Valley, amazing energy work from Heart Centered Living expert Mr Robert Kirby, Sound Healing to open up my heart, the list is endless. In fact, my intention of every day is to open up my heart as wide as I can, wider and wider with every day that passes, so I can let as much love and light in, and give is back to the earth in equal measure.

Also, very interestingly, this is an 11/2 Personal Year for me in Numerology. The 2 representing a year of relationships, balance and emotions. A year to create harmony in my life and work on relationships, including, most importantly, my relationship with myself. And the higher vibration of 11, means I’ll experience a year of illumination, inspiration and personal growth. A year where I will be given opportunities to reach a higher level of awareness and experience growth and further enlightenment. To calculate your personal year, you add the day and month that you were born to the current year.

So for me this is 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 11 As I was born on 2 Nov.

And so, as I write to you from the comfort of my sofa at home, a cup of rooibos tea, some cadburys chocolate and a couple of candles flickering beside me, I’m enjoying a very lovely date night in with myself and I couldn’t be happier. Once this post has been written, I will probably enjoy a lovely soak in a epsom salt + lavender oil bath and then snuggle down for the night.

So, I guess the purpose of this post is to encourage all of your beautiful people to open your hearts too. Whenever life sends you a slightly tricky situation or an experience that perhaps isn’t ideal, just open your heart and let love out and let love in and see what happens next. I’m doing this as much as I can every day and I’m getting some pretty beautiful results.

And to close, here is a very beautiful song ‘Til I Knew You by the very wonderful Parzival.


Here’s to love, light and opening our hearts to all the love that is there for us to experience.

Open-hearted love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

P.S. If you want to fin out what the meaning of your Personal Year is and have a 60 minute Numerology reading, I do these in person in Manly, Australia or over Skype for $220. Just drop me an email at to book a time slot with me. 🙂

Image gratitude –


Be there for you


“Yeah she’s got light in her face, she don’t need no rescuing she’s okay.
Yeah, she’s got life in her veins, she don’t need no rescuing she’s okay
No S.O.S. needed, no rescuing, she’s fine out there.”

– Yuna, Rescue

Today has been super awesome so far. I really do feel as though I have light in my face and life in my veins. And the highlight at this point? The most wonderful Restorative Hatha Yoga class today with my lovely teacher Kylie, who has the voice of an angel and blesses us with her beautiful singing voice throughout the class. Followed by a very delicious swim in the sea. Yum!

We set a strong intention to let go of something in class today, and for me, it was the negative stories that don’t serve me. And we also set the intention to let more of something into our lives? For me, this was more joy and more self-love. And I am really, really feeling that right now as I type, and it is being infused in the words that I type.

And as I jumped into the shower after my mini adventure in the sea, I listened to this incredibly uplifting and inspiring song by Yuna. And the words really did resonate with me. I don’t need rescuing anymore by anyone. I’m all good. And in fact, I’m all there. I’m there for myself 100%. I don’t need anyone outside of me to love me or care for me or support me, I can provide that for myself. Fulfilling all of my needs 100%. Creating an opportunity for everyone else in my life to be their own awesome selves, 100%. It’s all good.


And as she sings in the song,

‘That girl is you yeah and that girl is me, that girl is stronger than the raging sea.’


Here’s to having light in our faces and life in our veins.

Sending you all love, hugs & light,

Kat x x x

You are Love


‘Love is who you are, it is the essence of you’

– Lee Harris –

Recently I have started Dru Yoga, which I’m absolutely loving. For anyone who has never heard of it, it’s a super cool style of yoga that works with postures, breath work, relaxation and meditation.

It works with the chakras, in particular the heart chakra (which is especially good for me at the moment, as I have set a strong intention to live from my heart rather than my head). And it has 5 stages:

  1. Activation
  2. Energy Block Release
  3. Dru yoga asanas
  4. Relaxation
  5. Meditation

I’m completely and utterly in love with it and look forward to my class at Qi Yoga in Freshwater every Wed morning. Today, our teacher asked us to set an intention for the class starting with an ‘I Am’ statement. This statement needed to relate to something that we wanted to be feeling and bringing into our lives at the moment. Mine was ‘I Am Calm’.

It also then got me thinking about this wonderful video that I saw the other day on you tube, which had a similar sentiment. You are Love, or rather, if we are applying it to the ‘I Am’ statement, ‘I Am Love’.

It’s such a beautiful message I wanted to share it with all of your and spread the love.

And remember, love is who you are, it is the essence of you.

Sending you all love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

To learn more about the awesomeness in this post, visit

Dru Yoga Online – Enjoy a free 2 month trial!

Dru Yoga Australia

Lee Harris Energy

Image gratitude –

Follow your truth


I’m giving up
This whole lie, this whole me
Call it out like a family
Instead I bide my time, get a ride
Until the rubber leaves the road

You said don’t lie so I made the truth
Seemed like a lie to even you
Control your fear. It’s clear
That you do not know where you’re going to

– Matt Corby –

So I’ve been here in LA for 6 days now and I have 3 left. It has been the most amazing trip so far, and I know that there are still some very wonderful times to come.

I came out here on a feeling. If you were to ask me for a logical or rational expectation as to why I felt the need to leave Sydney for LA, I wouldn’t be able to give you one. Some would call it a wild goose chase, others would say I was following my intuition. Either way, I’m really glad that I came.

Here are some of the photos that I’ve taken while I’ve been here.

Venice Canals – Venice Beach


Sunset at Santa Monica beach


Marina Del Rey


My beautiful friend Adrian took me on a hike up into the Hollywood Hills to see Griffith Park Observatory yesterday.


Amazing art that I saw being exhibited at the Arclight movie theatre last night by Andrea Fellers


Only in LA. I was walking behind this guy who was dressed in a gold sequinned Elvis catsuit with his pushbike walking along Sunset Boulevard earlier today. Awesomeness.


The most amazing Portobello Mushroom burger that I had earlier this evening at the Sprouted Garden Cafe/Cowboys & Turbans, which is a combination of both a deliciously organic & vegan restaurant and Indian Street Food in the area of Silverlake where I’m staying at the moment. Apparently it’s where all of the hipsters live. 🙂


I have already had some wonderful experiences (as you can see), met some very lovely people, and made some fantastic connections that I know will be helpful to me in my life. How and when I don’t know, but that is irrelevant.

I have also had some time to reflect and gain further clarity on some things in my life, which I would like to share. I started writing these down as I was having dinner earlier tonight at the most beautiful organic, vegan restaurant on Sunset Boulevard, and I’d like to include the list here.

1. I love my boyfriend very much. It’s true that I have missed him while I have been away, but not in the way that I have missed other boyfriends in the past. I have missed him, but without attachment. And moreover, I love him so very much for supporting me with the feeling that I had to come to LA from the beginning, around a month or so ago. Never once did he question why, or what for, he just simply supported me. And when I asked him initially if he thought I was crazy to feel the need to go based on my intuition, he simply replied that if I felt the need to go, I should go. I am so very grateful and blessed for his unconditional love and support.

2. I love yoga. I have only recently started getting back into yoga after having a bit of a hiatus for quite a few months. I started doing yoga a week or so before I left and I have kept up my practice in both Marina Del Rey (at the Yoga Nest) and now while I’m here in Silverlake One Down Dog at . And I must say it has been so transformative for me. Not only has it helped me to feel good on the inside and out, but it has helped me maintain a calm, peaceful and loving state of mind and help me to create the space needed to receive everything that the Universe has been giving to me while I am in LA, without me getting in the way.

3. I have the feeling to go to India next. Once again, don’t ask me why, but I feel as though that is the next country that I need to visit.

4. I’m very grateful for all of the wonderful case study examples that I have come across here in LA to use in the book I’m writing on conscious brands. I feel as though I’m surrounded by conscious companies that are doing so much good in the world.

5. I’m excited to start a new conscious clothing project. It’s taken me a few months to build up the courage to start this, but when I get back to Sydney I’m reading to kick things off big style.

And so, my thought for you today is this, are you following your truth in life? Are you letting you heart guide you or your head? Is there are feeling that you have inside of you to do something or go somewhere that you have been ignore? What’s the worst that would happen if you decided to follow that feeling and do what feels true for you? What if there was no good or bad, no right or wrong? How would you make decisions differently?

My goal for every day at the moment is to be as loving, joyful and peaceful a being as I can possibly be. And show gratitude for every wonderful moment that I experience, while following my truth on this incredible planet we call earth.

Sending you lots of love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Inspiration for this post

Los Angeles, Califorina, USA

Matt Corby – Resolution – Live at the Enmore Theatre, Sydney

Photo credit – hlkljgk

Create space


“Make the space in your body. The universe will fill it. It always does.”

Leslie Kaminoff

Following on from my blog post Let Go (Part 2), I wanted to write a post about the importance of creating space and how yoga and meditation can help you with this.

It’s amazing how much stuff we hold on to subconsciously. How many emotions, how many thoughts and feelings about things in the past that we can’t change and perhaps aren’t supportive to us in the present moment.

When we choose to let go and submit ourselves to what is, in the now, we create space for wonderful new things to come into our lives. The new may come in the form of a person, a place, a job, a hobby or an experience.

For example, it’s no coincidence whatsoever that I recently decided to let go of a person called Robert in my life that was no longer playing a positive role, and out of the blue yesterday, I met the most beautiful person in my Yoga Practice in Venice Beach called, what for it . . . Robert. I am certain that we will both play an important role in one another’s lives, no matter how big or small.

Furthermore, it is absolutely no coincidence whatsoever that I met this beautiful person, at the end of a wonderfully peaceful and relaxing yoga practice, after having come out of the most amazing savasana that had brought me to tears of joy, because of the love that I felt in my heart for some of the most important people in my life.

It felt that my heart was full to bursting with love for my beautiful parents, my lovely little sister and her husband, and my darling boyfriend Darren.

I know for sure that in that one 90 minute yoga practice I created so much space for love in my life, and I’m certain that during that time I was letting go of and processing things that no longer served me.

So my question for you today is this, how can you create more space in your life? Is it through doing some yoga or meditation? Or perhaps it might be having a clean and tidy of your living space? Perhaps you need to decide to let go of someone in your life who is no longer serving a positive purpose. Or maybe you need to let go of a grudge or a bad feeling about something or someone? Perhaps through just writing an email or making a phone call to apologise might make life a little bit easier, and create some space for more positive things to happen. Whatever you choose, know that it is perfect, right now.

If you did want to dip your toes into the magical world of meditation you might like to take part in Oprah and Deepak’s 21 day meditation challenge.

Sending you lots of love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Learn more

The Universe Wants to Fill You (Literally) –

8 ways to make space in your life – mindbodygreen,com

Make your space sacred –