Think and Grow Rich


‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.’

-Napoleon Hill –

WOW. This is literally one of the most fantastic books I have ever read, and I’m among good company as it has sold over 20 million copies worldwide. There is was too much to say about how brilliant the contents of this book is, so first and fore-mostly I will say, if you haven’t read this book yet, I can highly recommend it.

Secondly, I will attempt to summarise why it is indeed so fantastic.

This book will give you the secret to making money and being abundantly successful in life. It will give you practical advice, steps and tools to follow and it will give you real life examples of people who have followed the success principles that Napoleon Hill outlines to achieve financial abundance in their lives.

He also explains how powerful our thoughts are, and when used correctly and positively can be used to manifest incredible things in our life (including money). And he explains the importance of working with (as Napoleon refers to it) Universal Intelligence in order to manifest our hearts desires.

This book is the bible when it comes to making money. And when the guidelines given are received, accepted, believed and acted upon, to the letter, only good will come to the people who read it. Literally anything is possible in life.

And in the book, he outlines 13 Steps to follow in order to achieve riches in life:

  1. Desire: The Starting Point of all Achievement
  2. Faith: Visualizing and Believing in the Attainment of Desire
  3. Autosuggestion: The Medium for Influencing the Subconscious Mind
  4. Specialized KnowledgeL Personal Experience or Observations
  5. Imagination: The Workshop of the Mind
  6. Organized Planning: The Crystallization of Desire into Action
  7. Decision: The Mastery of Procrastination
  8. Persistence: The Sustained Effort Necessary to Induce Faith
  9. Power of the Master Mind: The Driving Force
  10. The Myster of Sex Transmutation
  11. The Subconscious Mind: The Connecting Link
  12. The Brain: A Broadcasting and Receiving Station for Thought
  13. The Sixth Sense: The Door to the Temple of Wisdom

I was interviewed at an event last weekend in Sydney run by the beautiful people at Soul Sessions called ‘Think Feel & Grow Rich‘ alongside the very wonderful Justine Ruszczyk, where we discussed in more detail how people can apply the principles that Napoleon discusses in his book in real life.

I spoke in detail about the importance of having a definite chief aim and how, what I do through my company Thought Cloud, can help people get very clear on this in relation to their brand. When you are clear on your values, your mission, your vision, what you do, why you do it and who you do it for, its much easier to manifest and create a business that you love and that brings abundance back to you in equal measure to what you offer to the world.

Justine spoke at length and in detail about the neuroscience, quantum physics and epigenetics that is now available to us, that supports the principles he discusses in his book. And the fact that our thoughts really do create our reality, and that we all have the ability to take control of our mind and have it work for us in a positive manner, rather than it controlling us and out lives.

Justine has studied under world renowned neuroscientist and author, Dr Joe Dispenza and is responsible for bringing his work to Australia, and there is a really great interview between Soul Session founder Eloise King and Joe which you might enjoy.

He is also about to release a fantastic new book on Self Healing entitled ‘You Are The Placebo: Making Your Mind Matter‘ which is due for release on 29 April.


And for those of you who want to get involved with Napoleon Hills work right away, before even reading the book, there is a great 2 hour long video on You Tube that you will enjoy.


So, in conclusion, if you haven’t bought or read this book yet, and you’re wanting to create more wealth and abundance in your life, take the fact that you’re reading this blog post as a sign and run out and get a hold of the book. I promise you from the bottom of my heart, you won’t regret it.

Sending you love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Learn more

Buy Think & Grow Rich at the book depository or the Kindle Edition.


Buy Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose your Mind and Create a New One at the book depository or via the Kindle Edition.


Watch What the Bleep Do We Know? 


Visit  Dr Joe Dispenza’s website



Choose to be who you know you are


‘Make a commitment to you, to be yourself.’

– Bashar –

Today, I have been watching a fair amount of Bashar. I was first introduced to him about a year ago, by a beautiful friend of mine, Miss Bridget. When I first encountered some of his videos on You Tube I thought he was odd, very shouty and slightly off of his rocker. Now, 12 months later, I am listening to his words of wisdom with a greater understanding and knowing of the truth that he speaks.

The theme of the videos that I have watched today, has been that of how to manifest and create the life you really want.

The clip that has really hit home, is the one that I will share with you in this blog entitled ‘Burn Those Bridges and Never Look Back.’ In essence, he is talking about how, as we’re being provided with challenges and lessons in life, from which to learn, once we have moved through each one, we are given a choice as to whether we want to repeat the lesson or pattern, or whether we want to move past it.

The analogy that he gives is of a bridge. As we move through the challenge we walk across the bridge to the other side. We then have the choice to keep the bridge there and be able to move back to the previous way of living or lower vibration, or instead, burn the bridge behind us, so we can never return.

The analogies that I tend to use in my life are of Neo choosing to take the red pill in The Matrix, or Alice deciding to follow the White Rabbit in the direction of Wonderland. The moment that you take that decision, in essence, it is very difficult (if not impossible) to return or retrace your steps.

There is a wonderful quote that pops up from time to time in my Facebook feed that reinforces this.


A teacher of mine (Mr Robert Kirby) recently reinforced this during a training of his that I attended. He talked about how, when we have moved through a challenge or interrupted a pattern that might have been holding us back or limiting us in life in some way, we are tested one last time by the Universe. Or to use Bashar’s analogy of the bridge, we are invited to walk back across the bridge to where we once were.

And in that moment we have a choice. We can walk back across the bridge, and repeat the same negative experience or outcome, or we can burn it.

To bring context to this, I’ll use a recent experience for me as an example.

As I mentioned in my 4 post blog mini series ‘Everything will be OK Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4‘ this year has been particularly challenging for me with regards to my finances and my relationship with money.

At the beginning of 2013 I set the intention to improve that area of my life, and what transpired was the fact that I didn’t make any money for 7 months and received financial help and support from my boyfriend for the duration of that time. Very lucky.

My old pattern with money was that I had a ‘break-even consciousness’ as Robert refers to it. In that the money that came into my account, was equal to the money that went out. I didn’t really save and I didn’t have a financial cushion to speak of.

I made a promise to myself, in the midst of me having no money, that as soon as the money started to come back into my account, I would ensure that I managed it much better, saved some of it, gave some of it to good causes and spent less than I earned.

Sure enough, the money started to flow eventually. I also contribute this to the fact that I did 2 months of intensive energy healing work with Robert, which was nothing short of miraculous.

However, as the money started to flow back into my life, I was managing it in a very different way, and allocating it into different pots, some of which involved saving.

So, what is the relevance of this with regards to this blog post? I was given the opportunity to burn a bridge just a week or so ago.

My beautiful friend invited me to come up to Woodford Folk Festival near Brisbane in Australia. From reading about it, the line up looked awesome (Matt Corby and Gotye to name but a few) and it seemed to be almost like a Aussie Glastonbury (one of my favourite festivals and indeed places on the planet). It was going to cost around $500 for a ticket and another $500 for a flight and spending money to get up there. So, not a cheap trip. But it would be SO MUCH FUN! And such a wonderful way to end the year and see in 2014.

However, I was also saving for a deposit and rent up front to move into my own flat in a couple of months time. The money was there in my savings. Old me would have just thrown caution to the wind, spent the money and worried about it later. But new me, having learnt what I have learned this year, decided to make a different decision. A decision that involved not spending beyond my means and also leaving my savings be, rather than acting on a whim.

And this was the Universe testing me. Have I really learnt my lesson? Do I want to burn the bridge? And the answer was yes. Even though it would have been great fun and enjoyable, there will be other festivals I can attend. I am having lots of fun with my staycation in the Northern Beaches and I am indeed playing the long ball, in that it is more important for me to save and be able to move into my own place in a couple of months, than go to a festival on a whim and put my savings back a few months.

So in short, don’t be afraid to burn the bridges. Don’t be afraid to constantly be raising your vibrations. Don’t be afraid to take the red pill and follow the white rabbit.

Don’t be afraid to choose to be who you know you are.

Sending you love and light,

Kat x x x

To listen to more of Bashar’s truth and wisdom, check out these awesome clips

Don’t try and figure it out

How to create the life that you really want

Three levels you need to know about

Everything will be OK (Part 3)

Positive Quote 01

‘Keep giving me hope for a better day
Keep giving me love to find a way
Through this heaviness I feel
I just need someone to say, everything’s okay’

– Lenka –

After Parts 1 and 2 to this series, welcome to Part 3.

. . . . So, even though I was always earning, generally, whatever I earned, I spent. So I had a break even approach. And this approach fell down for me this year, because I didn’t earn, and therefore I had nothing to spend. A perfect way (although it didn’t seem so at the time) to learn that I needed to find a better way of managing money.

And during these last 7 months I read a fantastic book that has changed my life. Secrets of the Millionnaire Mind – Think Rich to Get Rich by T.Harv Eker is a book about money with a  whole bunch of awesome spiritual messages and philosophies trojan horsed into it. And despite its title, it’s a book as much about how to get your mindset in the right place in order to become a millionnaire, as it is about changing what he refers to as you ‘Money Blueprint’, which he believes we are all born with. He helps you to become aware of limiting beliefs that you might have around money and he gives you specific and practical exercises that you can do to start to shift and change them.

However, the MOST helpful piece of advice that he gave in the book that has helped to completely and utterly change my relationship with money is this.

For every amount of money that comes into your bank account, whether it is $10, $100, $1000, $10,000, $100,000 or $1,000,000, split that amount in 6 different ways.

50% goes into a necessities pot – this is for all the essential things in your life like rent, bills, food etc.

10% goes into a fun pot – this is for doing (funnily enough) fun things in life, anything from going to a gig, out to dinner with a friend or rock climbing

10% goes into an education pot – this is for furthering your personal education and development. It could contribute to training courses you’d like to do or books you’d like to read.

10% goes into a long term savings pot – this is pretty straightforward.

10% goes into a financial freedom pot – this pot is for investing. Ultimately, the investments that you make with this money will mean that your money is working for you, rather than you working for your money. Some good sound investments here could significantly change things in your life for the better.

10% goes into a giving pot – the idea of tithing has been around for a long time, and put simply, it is the act of giving 10% of what you earn to a good cause.

I started doing this in July when I read the book. You can do it with as little as $10, but it has completely and utterly changed how I am interacting with and dealing with money. I even went to the extent of setting up separate savings accounts with my bank, so that I could separate my money into each of the pots.

To read the last instalment of this 4 part blog post series, tune in tomorrow.

Here’s a beautiful song called ‘Everything’s OK‘ to make you feel good today by the lovely Lenka.

Sending you love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Learn more

Read Everything will be OK – Part 1

Read Everything will be OK – Part 2

Buy the book Secrets of the Millionnaire Mind – T. Harv Eker

Download the book from Apple iBooks or for your Kindle.


Everything will be OK (Part 2)


‘Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know.’

– Anon –

Following on from Part 1 of this four part blog series, here is Part 2 for you.

. . . I literally had no money in my account for months and months and months. Any money that Darren helped me out with went straight out to pay for training courses I had already committed to, paid for my phone bill, or contributed to ferry tickets so I could go into the city and meet with prospective clients.

This was the most dire financial situation I had been in throughout my entire life. However, I know, for certain that it happened for a reason. In fact, it had to happen. Because I needed to learn the things that I needed to learn, by going through what I went through. And no matter how rubbish it felt throughout that 7 month period, I have come out of it the other side, an even better person than I was before. I also know that I wouldn’t have the perspective I have now looking back on it.

So, you may ask, what have I learnt? And this for me is the most important thing. Life sometimes throws us curveballs. Sometimes it gives us something to deal with that, in the moment, we feel as though we just aren’t equipped to handle. But, sometimes what we don’t realise is, that the Universe only ever gives us exactly what we need, in the exact moment that we need it. And it never gives us anything greater than that which we are equipped to deal with.

So, what have I learnt?

I’ve learnt to receive help from people who love me, much more easily and willingly – I know that before this year I would feel very guilty receiving help from people. I didn’t want to feel vulnerable or weak. I didn’t want to be a burden. I didn’t want to put people out. I didn’t want to admit that I needed help from someone. It was always much easier to just deal with things by myself. And so far this year, I have definitely allowed people to help me a lot more than I ever had.

It has been in these moments of allowing myself to be vulnerable, that I have allowed someone in, who loves me, to help me. And by doing so, I have softened my heart and started to remove some of the armour I had subconsciously built up around it. The armour that existed, because I didn’t want people to think that I was weak.

I’ve also learnt to have a better relationship with money – my relationship with money had never been perfect. Before I started my business, throughout my 20s, I had earned a lot of money working in the Corporate World in Branding and Marketing. In fact, since starting working for Virgin in 2003, I can’t really remember there ever being a time where I struggled for cash. I was always earning. There was always money in my bank account. I never had to worry about whether I could afford to do something or go somewhere, I just did. I had a Carpe Diem approach to life and a Carpe Diem approach to money. However, I never saved. I never had anything in reserve. It was only when I was with my ex-boyfriend that I saved, and that was only for one year. It was an important year though, because the $7000 that I saved while we were together, contributed to the other money that I saved not long after my 30th birthday, which paid for my Round the World Trip, which ended up bringing me to Australia . . . . .

Part 3 will follow tomorrow . . . .

Sending you love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Everything will be OK (Part 1)

‘She stood in the storm and when the wind did not blow her way, she adjusted her sails.’

– Elizabeth Edwards –

It’s 9am on a Sunday morning and I have just written a blog post that is nearly 2000 words long. Therefore, rather than doing what I would probably usually have done and post the entire thing, I’m going to separate it into 4 parts and drip feed it out to you over the next 4 days in bite sized chunks, so that you aren’t overwhelmed with a big ‘ol 2000 word blog post from me. Enjoy.

So, where are we, Sunday 24th November 2013? Wow, already I’m starting to get reflective about the year I’ve had and it’s not even December yet!

This year has definitely been an interesting one, and in particular the last 8 months since March.

In that time I managed to move into a beautiful 2 bedroom flat, 2 minutes from the beach in Manly, have my wonderful Dad come and visit me and take a trip to the Australian GP in Melbourne. Shortly after that, in April, my darling boyfriend moved in with me and this was also around the time that I stopped making money through my business.

The bank balance for my business then proceeded to become dryer and more arid than the Atacama Desert. For months I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t making money? Was my pricing wrong? Was it because I didn’t have a website? Was it because I had repositioned my company as a Conscious Branding company? Was it because no one wanted to work with me? The list of questions go on and on . . . .

During this time, I had to allow Darren to reach out and support me financially, and this is a position I had never been in, in my life. I had never had to allow someone else to do this. I had never had to allow myself to be so vulnerable. . . . .

And he supported me for 7 months.

This was a testing time for me. To begin with, I felt guilty allowing him to help and support me. After a while, I was OK with it. Then I got scared that because I had allowed him to help me, I would never be able to earn money again, and that I would be forever financially dependent on him. And during that time, I didn’t matter how hard I tried, or what I did, I couldn’t make money. I even started applying for other contract roles and even permanent jobs, considering completely and utterly giving up on the company I had set up to do what I love, thinking that perhaps it wasn’t meant to be . . . .

Part 2 will follow tomorrow . . .

Sending you love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

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What would you do if money didn’t matter?

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“There is a universal, intelligent, life force that exists within everyone and everything. It resides within each one of use as a deep wisdom, an inner knowing. We can access this wonderful source of knowledge and wisdom through our intuition, an inner sense that tells us what feels right and true for us at any given moment”

– Shakti Gawain –

Just a quote and a video from me today, because combined they are more powerful than any humble commentary that I could give them.

I promise you with all my heart and all my being, this video will change your life forever.

Inspiration for this post

What if money didn’t matter – Alan Watts