Let go of yesterday


‘Close your eyes, clear your heart, let it go.’

– Anon –

Yesterday ended in a slightly wobbly way for me, and in waking this morning I asked the Universe ‘How I can let go and move forwards positively?’.

The answer came in the form of a beautiful meditation that showed up in my inbox by the very beautiful Luminita (aka The Purpose Fairy). It is one of the most wonderful guided meditations I have listened to in a long time, so I wanted to share it with you all.


If there is anything that happened yesterday that is even slightly unsatisfactory, this is the perfect meditation to help you let go of it, so you can enjoy today in a peaceful, calm and harmonious way.


Sending you love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Learn more

Visit The Purpose Fairy website

Take time out


Sometimes it’s important to work for that pot of gold. But other times it’s essential to take time off and to make sure that your most important decision in the day simply consists of choosing which color to slide down on the rainbow.

– Douglas Pagels, These Are the Gifts I’d Like to Give to You – 

Some of you may have noticed that I haven’t written a blog post for just over a week now, and that’s because I decided to take a little rest and a little time out from my blog.

I’m not entirely sure why I did this, but for some reason over the last week or so, I haven’t felt inspired to write. Not that I’ve had writers block or anything, but I just haven’t felt like putting fingers to keyboard. And also, not for lack of content or ideas for my posts either.

I almost definitely could have written a tonne of posts about all kinds of things.

However, this post’s message is about the importance of rest. The importance of taking time out, even from the things that you love the most. Because when you come back to them, you’re recharged and ready to go.

I think it’s so easy to fill our lives with habits and rituals, feeling the need to do the same thing every day, because that’s what we’ve always done before.

I started my blog back in the middle of March and I am very proud to say that through a dedicated writing practicing of blogging pretty much every day I have 107 posts under my happy little belt. However, there is also a lot to be said for writing and sharing something when you are inspired.

It’s very important for me to only share a post when I know it will be inspirational, uplifting, positive and that it will help people in some way shape or form. And this is why I have decided to have a little rest. To take some time out from my blog. Have a little holiday from it so to speak.

Hopefully, it will mean that I’ll come back to my blog, renewed, refreshed, with new ideas and thoughts to share with you, my beautiful readers.

So, my thought for you today is this, what do you need to take time out from in your life? Maybe you’ve been overdoing it in a particular area and it’s time to have a little rest. Maybe it’s something that you love, and you’ve had a little too much, and you need to take a step back, so that when you return to it, you appreciate it even more than you did before. Either way, it’s fine to take time out and take a rest from time to time.

Sending you lots of love, hugs and light,

Kat x x x

Inspiration for this post

A rest from my blog

Image from – http://faithfromtheedges.wordpress.com/2013/04/14/time-out/