Unconditional Love


How can you give love, if you do not believe you are complete enough to receive love from yourself? If you do not think of yourself as a whole idea how can you give anything to anyone?

– Bashar –

As I mentioned in a previous post, a loved one back at home is currently not very well at all. Of course this is sad, and quite challenging given that I am living on the opposite side of the world, however, I am also aware that this experience is definitely teaching me some very specific things.

I’m learning that it is not my responsibility that they are unwell. I’m learning detachment, and the fact that it is important for me to send unconditional love and support from afar, while remaining detached from the story. And I’m also learning the meaning of unconditional love. Unconditional love for others (which I have become pretty good at), but more importantly unconditional love for myself (and this is the really interesting one).

I have spent so much of my life caring about others, helping others, supporting others, even to the extent towards the end of my 20s when I got so burnout out and exhausted with the stress of it I was signed off work for a month. That was the beginning of my journey of self love.

And right now, in this moment, I’m being reminded once again, of the importance of loving myself unconditionally. And even though something tricky is happening in my life, considering how I can be giving myself unconditional love and support in this moment from within, without necessarily needing to look outside of myself.

I came across this great video by Bashar on unconditional love, so wanted to share it with you. And he makes a very good point about the meaning of unconditional love.

If we are wanting to give unconditional love to others, it is important that we give that same love to ourselves. And if we truly understand and accept the notion that we are all connected, one and the same, if we are giving love unconditionally, we ourselves, by definition, must be included in the giving (and receiving) of that unconditional love.

So, in this moment, I would like to ask you, are you loving yourself unconditionally? Are you providing yourself with as much love from within as your possibly can, without looking outside of yourself? And if not, what can you do to give more love to yourself? Maybe go for a massage, eat your favourite food, go for a bike ride or a surf, sit and read your favourite book, affirm a beautiful quality that you have, go and look in the mirror and tell yourself that you love yourself.

We spend so much time giving love to others with the expectation of it being given back to us. We spend so much time looking outside of ourselves for love, when in actual fact we’re looking in all the wrong places, and we don’t actually need to go anywhere, because the love we are searching for is right here inside of ourselves.

Hope you have a beautiful day being loving to yourselves.

Sending you love, hugs and light (and to myself as well) 🙂

Kat x x x


Here’s Miss Katy Perry with her inspiring and uplifting take on unconditional love