Unconditional Love


How can you give love, if you do not believe you are complete enough to receive love from yourself? If you do not think of yourself as a whole idea how can you give anything to anyone?

– Bashar –

As I mentioned in a previous post, a loved one back at home is currently not very well at all. Of course this is sad, and quite challenging given that I am living on the opposite side of the world, however, I am also aware that this experience is definitely teaching me some very specific things.

I’m learning that it is not my responsibility that they are unwell. I’m learning detachment, and the fact that it is important for me to send unconditional love and support from afar, while remaining detached from the story. And I’m also learning the meaning of unconditional love. Unconditional love for others (which I have become pretty good at), but more importantly unconditional love for myself (and this is the really interesting one).

I have spent so much of my life caring about others, helping others, supporting others, even to the extent towards the end of my 20s when I got so burnout out and exhausted with the stress of it I was signed off work for a month. That was the beginning of my journey of self love.

And right now, in this moment, I’m being reminded once again, of the importance of loving myself unconditionally. And even though something tricky is happening in my life, considering how I can be giving myself unconditional love and support in this moment from within, without necessarily needing to look outside of myself.

I came across this great video by Bashar on unconditional love, so wanted to share it with you. And he makes a very good point about the meaning of unconditional love.

If we are wanting to give unconditional love to others, it is important that we give that same love to ourselves. And if we truly understand and accept the notion that we are all connected, one and the same, if we are giving love unconditionally, we ourselves, by definition, must be included in the giving (and receiving) of that unconditional love.

So, in this moment, I would like to ask you, are you loving yourself unconditionally? Are you providing yourself with as much love from within as your possibly can, without looking outside of yourself? And if not, what can you do to give more love to yourself? Maybe go for a massage, eat your favourite food, go for a bike ride or a surf, sit and read your favourite book, affirm a beautiful quality that you have, go and look in the mirror and tell yourself that you love yourself.

We spend so much time giving love to others with the expectation of it being given back to us. We spend so much time looking outside of ourselves for love, when in actual fact we’re looking in all the wrong places, and we don’t actually need to go anywhere, because the love we are searching for is right here inside of ourselves.

Hope you have a beautiful day being loving to yourselves.

Sending you love, hugs and light (and to myself as well) 🙂

Kat x x x


Here’s Miss Katy Perry with her inspiring and uplifting take on unconditional love

Choose to be who you know you are


‘Make a commitment to you, to be yourself.’

– Bashar –

Today, I have been watching a fair amount of Bashar. I was first introduced to him about a year ago, by a beautiful friend of mine, Miss Bridget. When I first encountered some of his videos on You Tube I thought he was odd, very shouty and slightly off of his rocker. Now, 12 months later, I am listening to his words of wisdom with a greater understanding and knowing of the truth that he speaks.

The theme of the videos that I have watched today, has been that of how to manifest and create the life you really want.

The clip that has really hit home, is the one that I will share with you in this blog entitled ‘Burn Those Bridges and Never Look Back.’ In essence, he is talking about how, as we’re being provided with challenges and lessons in life, from which to learn, once we have moved through each one, we are given a choice as to whether we want to repeat the lesson or pattern, or whether we want to move past it.

The analogy that he gives is of a bridge. As we move through the challenge we walk across the bridge to the other side. We then have the choice to keep the bridge there and be able to move back to the previous way of living or lower vibration, or instead, burn the bridge behind us, so we can never return.

The analogies that I tend to use in my life are of Neo choosing to take the red pill in The Matrix, or Alice deciding to follow the White Rabbit in the direction of Wonderland. The moment that you take that decision, in essence, it is very difficult (if not impossible) to return or retrace your steps.

There is a wonderful quote that pops up from time to time in my Facebook feed that reinforces this.


A teacher of mine (Mr Robert Kirby) recently reinforced this during a training of his that I attended. He talked about how, when we have moved through a challenge or interrupted a pattern that might have been holding us back or limiting us in life in some way, we are tested one last time by the Universe. Or to use Bashar’s analogy of the bridge, we are invited to walk back across the bridge to where we once were.

And in that moment we have a choice. We can walk back across the bridge, and repeat the same negative experience or outcome, or we can burn it.

To bring context to this, I’ll use a recent experience for me as an example.

As I mentioned in my 4 post blog mini series ‘Everything will be OK Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4‘ this year has been particularly challenging for me with regards to my finances and my relationship with money.

At the beginning of 2013 I set the intention to improve that area of my life, and what transpired was the fact that I didn’t make any money for 7 months and received financial help and support from my boyfriend for the duration of that time. Very lucky.

My old pattern with money was that I had a ‘break-even consciousness’ as Robert refers to it. In that the money that came into my account, was equal to the money that went out. I didn’t really save and I didn’t have a financial cushion to speak of.

I made a promise to myself, in the midst of me having no money, that as soon as the money started to come back into my account, I would ensure that I managed it much better, saved some of it, gave some of it to good causes and spent less than I earned.

Sure enough, the money started to flow eventually. I also contribute this to the fact that I did 2 months of intensive energy healing work with Robert, which was nothing short of miraculous.

However, as the money started to flow back into my life, I was managing it in a very different way, and allocating it into different pots, some of which involved saving.

So, what is the relevance of this with regards to this blog post? I was given the opportunity to burn a bridge just a week or so ago.

My beautiful friend invited me to come up to Woodford Folk Festival near Brisbane in Australia. From reading about it, the line up looked awesome (Matt Corby and Gotye to name but a few) and it seemed to be almost like a Aussie Glastonbury (one of my favourite festivals and indeed places on the planet). It was going to cost around $500 for a ticket and another $500 for a flight and spending money to get up there. So, not a cheap trip. But it would be SO MUCH FUN! And such a wonderful way to end the year and see in 2014.

However, I was also saving for a deposit and rent up front to move into my own flat in a couple of months time. The money was there in my savings. Old me would have just thrown caution to the wind, spent the money and worried about it later. But new me, having learnt what I have learned this year, decided to make a different decision. A decision that involved not spending beyond my means and also leaving my savings be, rather than acting on a whim.

And this was the Universe testing me. Have I really learnt my lesson? Do I want to burn the bridge? And the answer was yes. Even though it would have been great fun and enjoyable, there will be other festivals I can attend. I am having lots of fun with my staycation in the Northern Beaches and I am indeed playing the long ball, in that it is more important for me to save and be able to move into my own place in a couple of months, than go to a festival on a whim and put my savings back a few months.

So in short, don’t be afraid to burn the bridges. Don’t be afraid to constantly be raising your vibrations. Don’t be afraid to take the red pill and follow the white rabbit.

Don’t be afraid to choose to be who you know you are.

Sending you love and light,

Kat x x x

To listen to more of Bashar’s truth and wisdom, check out these awesome clips

Don’t try and figure it out

How to create the life that you really want

Three levels you need to know about